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Trade With Caution
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About minedas

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  1. Hi thanks for fast reply.It just stands at well and not fill buckets. Im not really familiar with interacting with inventory items so this is why im used other user script
  2. So i used other user source and edited to work as clay softner but it isnt working correctly,it just goes to well and stands there and i dont know is it softs the clay since it doesnt fill buckets.Heres edited script import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Graphics2D; import org.osbot.rs07.api.map.Position; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.RS2Object; import org.osbot.rs07.input.mouse.MiniMapTileDestination; import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script; import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest; import org.osbot.rs07.utility.Area; import org.osbot.rs07.api.model.Entity; @ScriptManifest(author = "", info = "", name ="", version = 0.0, logo = "") public class Cooker extends Script { private long startTime; private String status = "Initializing"; private Color bg; String state; @SuppressWarnings("unused") private Color box; public int statsX; public int statsY; public void onStart() { startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); bg = new Color(69, 53, 15, 125); box = new Color(0, 0, 0); statsX = 313; statsY = 344; } public void onPaint(Graphics2D g1) { long millis = System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime; Graphics2D g = g1; g.setColor(bg); g.fillRect(statsX, statsY, 184, 115); g.setColor(Color.green); g.drawRect(statsX, statsY, 184, 115); g.setColor(Color.white); g.drawString((new StringBuilder("")).append("0.1 | Author : IkNight").toString(), statsX + 5, statsY + 15); g.drawString((new StringBuilder("State: ")).append(status).toString(), statsX + 5, statsY + 30); g.drawString((new StringBuilder("Time ran: ")).append(timeToString((int)millis)).toString(), statsX + 5, statsY + 45); g.drawString((new StringBuilder("Softened/Hour: ")).append(perHour((int)(statsX), System.currentTimeMillis() - millis)).toString(), statsX + 5, statsY + 75); } public void walkPath(Position[] path) throws InterruptedException { for (Position p : path) { if (myPosition().distance(p) > 16 || myPosition().distance(p) < 3) continue; boolean success; do { success = walkTile(p); } while (!success); } } public boolean walkTile(Position p) throws InterruptedException { if (myPosition().distance(p) > 13) { Position pos = new Position(((p.getX() + myPosition().getX()) / 2) + random(-3, 3), ((p.getY() + myPosition().getY()) / 2) + random(-3, 3), myPosition().getZ()); walkTile(pos); } mouse.click(new MiniMapTileDestination(bot, p), false); int fail = 0; while (myPosition().distance(p) > 2 && fail < 10) { sleep(500); if (!myPlayer().isMoving()) fail++; } return fail != 10; } public static String perHour(int gained, long startTime) { int i = (int)(((double)gained * 3600000D) / (double)(System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime)); return (new StringBuilder()).append(i).toString(); } public static String timeToString(long time) { int seconds = (int)(time / 1000L) % 60; int minutes = (int)((time / 60000L) % 60L); int hours = (int)((time / 0x36ee80L)); return (new StringBuilder(String.valueOf(hours))).append(":").append(minutes).append(":").append(seconds).toString(); } public void walktowell() { RS2Object range = objects.closest(new String[] {"Well"}); status = "Walking to Well"; try { walkTile(new Position (range.getPosition().getX(), range.getPosition().getY(), 0)); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } public void bank() { status = "Opening Bank"; RS2Object banks = objects.closest(new String[] {"Bank booth"}); localWalker.walk(banks.getPosition()); while(myPlayer().isMoving()) { } banks.interact("Bank"); } public void withdraw() { status = "Withdrawing"; getBank().depositAll(); getBank().withdraw(1925, 14); getBank().withdraw(434, 14); } public void fill() throws InterruptedException { RS2Object Well = objects.closest(new String[] {"Well"}); status = "Interacting with Well"; getInventory().getItem(1925).interact("Use"); Well.interact("Use"); sleep(1500); } public void soft() throws InterruptedException { status = "Interacting with Clay"; getInventory().getItem(1929).interact("Use"); getInventory().getItem(434).interact("Use"); sleep(900); } public void makeall() { status = "Making X"; if (getInterfaces().getChild(548, 130).isVisible()) { getInterfaces().getChild(309, 2).interact("Make All"); } } public void wersofting() { status = "We Are Softing!"; } private static final Area wellA = new Area(3086,3502,3083,3502); private static final Area bankA = new Area(3091,3449,3098,3494); public int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { if (getColorPicker().isColorAt(573, 133, new Color(175, 176, 162))) { status = "Toggling Run"; interfaces.getChild(548, 94).interact("Toggle Run"); return 500; } if (getBank().isOpen() && getInventory().getAmount(1925,434) == 0) { withdraw(); return 500; } if (bankA.contains(myPlayer())) { walktowell(); return 500; } if (getInventory().getAmount(1761) == 0 && wellA.contains(myPlayer())) { bank(); return 500; } if (getInventory().getAmount(1925,434) == 0) { bank(); return 1500; } if (wellA.contains(myPlayer()) && getInventory().getAmount(1925) != 0 && !myPlayer().isAnimating()) { fill(); return 500; } if (wellA.contains(myPlayer()) && getInventory().getAmount(434) != 0 && !myPlayer().isAnimating()) { soft(); return 800; } if (myPlayer().isAnimating()) { wersofting(); } return 0; } }
  3. I tried getInventory().getItem(1929).interact("Use"); getInventory().getItem(Clay).interact(); // and its not interacting i changed clay to 434 id and its working ;/ well thanks for help
  4. So what i want to do is after selecting 1 item i want to interact with other in my inventory
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