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Trade With Caution
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Max last won the day on June 26 2013

Max had the most liked content!

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  1. wait... im logged of skype , let me figire this out
  2. im on skyype , u guys can check it urself, photoshop?
  3. i dont recall this convo, he just randomly msged me saying give back 4.5m?
  4. NOT SURE IF ANYONE OF YOU REMEMBER ME BUT I USTO BE ACTIVE 2 YEARS AGO 2013 AND NOW IM BACK! AND HERES TO A NICE START. 250K XP GIVE AWAY IN ANY MELEE SKILL THAT IS 40+ All you gotta do is like this topic AND comment what skill you would like and this give away will end on may 24th
  5. BID was cancelled, open for bidsss
  6. oh thats so risky then, i should prob find another one , dont really mind paying a bit
  7. oh , i thought if u have vpn u could just change ip's whenever like im using hotspot its free been working with it for years , ur prob right tho idk much about it
  8. just use a vpn , it should change ur ip address
  9. bid takin in consideration, true it was sooo old like 2013 haha
  10. 1. Pictures of the account stats (85 DUNG WITH CHAOTIC RAPIER) RS3 - http://prntscr.com/766i9s OS - http://prntscr.com/766kb2 2. Pictures of the login details http://prntscr.com/766k7u 3. Pictures of the total wealth (if there is any) OSRS - SOME FOOD AND TABS RS3 - CHAOTIC RAPIER 4. Pictures of the quests completed http://prntscr.com/766s7o ( LOST CITY ON BOTH) 5. The price you will be starting bids at 5m 6. The A/W (Auto-win) for your account not set 7. The methods of payment you are accepting 07 gp 8. Your trading conditions I will go first if trusted or else you go first or pay for MM of my choice 9. Account status http://prntscr.com/766rvm 10. Original/previous owners AND Original Email Address i am original owner. SOLID ACCOUNT, ALSO ACCEPTING PP IF TRUSTED. skype - walia.arsh
  11. Max

    ...and this

    i wasnt hatin, just gave my opinion, i mean if u wanna do anything do it, im no one to stop u but im free to give my opinion on it.
  12. Max

    Suicide Bot

    uhhhh if ur doing bones to peaches, i would suggest 60-60-60 atleast, if ur eating like sharks or lobbies then 70-70-70, cuz its not gonna be worth banking every 30 mins
  13. Max

    ...and this

    you love them? dude i find them so stupid like who has the time to do thay
  14. Max

    just look at it

    dude this guy usto be hilarious with elevator pranks, idk what happened
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