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  1. Hello Sorry if problem were solved before, but i tried to find it and didnt find. Problem is when im trying to extract with winrar OSbot on WIN10, it always find some errors while extracting and after all, there is no osbot files in the extracted folder. I tried reinstalling my winrar and stuff, but still doesn't help..
  2. Hello. This question may be answered before ,but ill ask. So i got banned for botting a lot. And i didnt even expected to get in unbanned , when suddenly they did unban me without writing any of appeals. Now my ban meter on account is on his half way. I havent played like for few weeks since ban and im wondering if i can try to bot again or better not? I mean, before that ban, i was botting like crazy, 20hours and more. And i wonder if they catch me easier now or not? I mean do they allready flagged my account and even if i bot for like 3-5hrs max day now they still will catch me very fast? Thanks for answers!
  3. Fishing in a fishing guild and banking, sometimes stucks. 1) Sometimes marks flag outside bank ,get there and just stay outside. 2) Sometimes missclick bank boother and it stucks on that option screen where banker asks for a pin and stuff.
  4. Here is a one of the proggies. It's no the longest one tho. Thanks Czar!
  5. Sorry, it was a missclick i guess for a script that happens sometimes. Now it's ok with the sharks,just waiting till update to 2.1 so ill try barbarian fishing again.
  6. It's now 2 version of script, but still wont drop leaping fishes.. EDIT: Also, couunter of exp/hr is bugged. Shows alot of numbers.. Another EDIT: When i chose to fish Sharks in Fishing guild, it fishes me tunas with swordfishes right now..
  7. For barbarian fishing it won't drop fish anymore for me. Yesterday everything was fine ,but today tried everything and still, gets full inventory of leaping fish and then does nothing.
  8. Arminas69


    Lot's of stuff doesn't work...
  9. Can't wait for this, always loved to do clues!Good luck.
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