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Everything posted by bloodom

  1. Selling 500m 07 via skrill/btc for 0.45$/m New stock : 1200m Discord : bloo#3061
  2. Hey your discord is not working, add me bloo#3061 i have 116cb account ready for zulrah
  3. Buying 500m-2b 07 via crypto/skrill/paypal My discord is bloo#3061
  4. Selling ready to go bot farming vps with java and osbot or any programs you want preinstalled / downloaded. Fast & Really Powerful VPS That can hande easily atleast 6 bots, 12gb ram and its 30 days 24/7. (Windows) 80M 07 (Or crypto's) -40% If you want unbuntu or linux, windows by default. Or then you can get 2x vps for 2 weeks so you can run 12 bots~. These are not hacked servers and are 100% secure + will be online 24/7, if not i will offer to give a full refund. If anyone is interested me on discord if interested : bloo#3061
  5. Going to buy vip in 24 hrs, could anyone tell me an example item or to on what would be the best to do with this except runes etc ? I could give you couple mill or something if its a good hint, havent played for a while so not sure what i could do with this but i think this could be really useful
  6. Buying accounts cheap as possible, made with diffrent ips so they wouldnt get banned at the same time. If accounts are old / have any stats or quest points etc i could pay a little more. But looking for not paying a lot for these as they will get quickly banned. If you have accounts to sell let me know!
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