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Trade With Caution
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Everything posted by alero

  1. Hey are we talking on Skype? Just want to make sure its you? My name is RuneKeep http://puu.sh/6Z0WJ.png
  2. Haha, didnt know that. Okay thank you.
  3. Didnt know where to create this thread, no help section that I could find. Why is the account section not able to be accessed anymore? I need to buy some accounts, and cannot anymore. And only use this website for it.
  4. Hey I would like to join. My experience is minimal. But within a week or two, ill be on a good start. Im going to add your skype.
  5. I enjoy the the help I get from the community. I am fairly new, and the community has already helped me on starting to learn how to make scripts for OSBot. I always get fast replies, from those active members and always nice helpful replies. This sounds like I am riding OSBot, but it does have the strongest forum community I have seen, from others forum communities I have been with before.
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