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  1. Ill try the router thing after awhile. But it just so dumb granted my last two accounts were banned because I forgot to enable the breaks and they botted gangster long but my new account all I used was a tut island script and did everything by hand and got banned 2 weeks later.
  2. Well I guess my IP got flagged on RS and keep getting banned and Some of the accounts Ive only used a bot to get out of tut island. I couldn't find a guide how to change on windows 8. Any help would be appreciated.
  3. - Script name: Runecrafter pro - Member Number: 62528 I would really like to try this out since it supports the balloon travel. I am very interested in purchasing but I would like to test it out if possible.
  4. Ive never been banned from trading from bot to main and main to bot. But about 6 years ago I used to fish lobbies on my main legit no bot and then I would transfer them over to my pure that was never botted and my pure got perm banned for account hijacking. But as far a bot to main never gotten banned for it
  5. 99blazer

    SDN Issues

    Well lol I didn't think of that tbh. Im just used to the old way
  6. 99blazer

    SDN Issues

    This may have already been addressed but it started today for me. I cannot add any scripts from the sdn to my bot from the webpage nor can I remove any of them. Not a huge issue but weird. I have tried logging out then back in and nothing.
  7. most proxys don't work you gotta keep trying till you find one that works. took me 50 tries before a found a couple that worked
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