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0721 DO 1

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  1. Are you sure? Ive looked through every category and didn't see one? 'minigames is empty & its not in the combat one either' if there is one can you tell me where it is? Im after a free pestcontrol bot not a paid:p
  2. I'll just wait & hope that a PC bot is put onto SDN, fingers crossed! thanks anyway bro!
  3. Yeah which is why i'm asking if theres any chance of getting a pestcontrol script added to the SDN :[
  4. Oh ok thanks man, i read endlessly through reviews on the few pc bots there are and see some people saying they either detected something or have been hacked, for the hack side of it may of been coincidental people will always look for someone to blame but yeah very sceptical got full void 2days ago legit and some idiots in pvp froze me off it
  5. Abit worried about using local scripts as many people get hacked, sounds stupid but w.e idk how to virus scan selected items and even so still wouldn't want to use :p Someone convince me and explain how to virus scam please will be much appreciated, any chance of getting a pestcontrol bot onto the free scripts so it doesn't require download?
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