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Posts posted by Maikie61

  1. How old are you: Jesus

    Where are you going with that item: Jesus

    What're you doing: Jesus (Wait, what...)

    Where did you come from: Jesus

    Do you know what you're doing: Jesus

    Does RoomScape love me: Jesus



    Does that mean yes ?!?!?

  2. I think you could explain the situation a little bit more. Randoms are working for the majority of the people or even everyone, except you.

    Please hand over more information about what you are doing, which script you are using, what it says in the prompt, ...

  3. rs3 ban rates aren't too high, it's scripts that are bad and the only rs3 bot out is bad

    "Only"? There are 4 bots out that work like they are supposed to work. You forgot to Jagex will always be one step aheadThey can detect anything they want to, they can check anything they want to. They have the ability to shutdown all the bots, but they don't. 

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