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  1. I won't trading him anymore But Don't close this thread Got my 10m back by no arm risk fight f2p sold all my cash on https://www.rsgoldmine.com/ Just beware this thief.
  2. Never received anything?? I Don't think so biggest liar ever
  3. Don't lie and play stupid we both doing 5m split each time. Then I gave you other 5m again which is total 10m. you can send the money back or just send cash into my payal acc Or enjoy the shit scammed 10m
  4. Lmao sleep? fk thief talk You promise to send me 8.5$ paypal for 10m I gave you 10m first You were logged out and never send me the cash of 10m paypal
  5. Hello Anyone know a good legit/trusted rs gold site I can sell? I wanna sell my 57m
  6. I'm was going to sell him 45m for $38.50 paypal He scam me only for 10m becasue we was doing a split His ingame name on osrs name is Lengg Osbot username is ItIsMe beware this fk scammer
  7. Hi! Selling 57m osrs gp for Paypal Trusted only PM me offers please.
  8. Thanks but I havent bot on my main char like 2 years ago When I use osbuddy. Will I'll be fine?
  9. sorry for double post. I read a theory that believed something along the lines that Jagex were able to detect whether you were logged in on a botting client due to your cookies? They would be able to identify cookies from their actual website along with osbuddy then any others that appeared would show them that the user was using a botting client. Probably not the case but an interestig theory all the same. typed From member DexIsMyBtch That what I mean, understand me please.
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