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Bronze Poster

Bronze Poster (2/10)



  1. 25?? Damn. What script do you use and for what purpose do you bot 25 accounts at once haha? Haha I think I have the best of both worlds; with a pure that I also skill quite a lot on. Defence = eww :p
  2. Hey everyone, So I've been scrolling through the forums and seeing people who are using 10+ accounts to bot with on the same script at the same time... I was wondering what people use their bots for (whether it be for the purpose of goldfarming, or simply levelling up their main/second account) Personally, I bot on my only account which is a pure in progress, 60 attack/79(and increasing) strength.. 6-10 hours per day, few overnights.. Already gotten 99 fletching with AnonFletch (definitely recommended). If this account got banned, I'd probably start up another one and play through that legit (hope it won't happen). I've never really thought about running more than one account on a script at once - what do you guys do? Would love to hear from people, whether it be just on their one account or they have 100 at once ;D So yeah..
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