Clicks the same spot on mini-map after finishing Canifis roof tops. uses the mini-map way too much... too script like to feel safe. Is this script not smart enough to realise the obstacle is in clicking range if the camera angle is turned instead of using the mini map every single time to run 5 squares? Mouse click coordinates are very repetitive when using the mini-map... please consider not using mini-map clicks to EVERY obstacle in EVERY location... I could easily point out who is using this bot after 10 minutes.
Primary issue I have is the path is takes when restarting the course... I exit right beside the first obstacle, and I'm ALWAYS running to the SAME SQUARE and it ALWAYS uses the mini-map when it can simply CLICK the first obstacle... it's actually pretty annoying to watch and seriously bot-like.
Hopefully you can change the amount of times it depends on the mini-map to travel.. especially on a roof that is 5 squares at maximum... it's actually a waste of time and nobody would ever do that when they can simply click the next obstacle.
Sorry for complaining, but I just want to have a script that is safe, random and realistic. I feel like some of the courses have very bot-like sections. Paid $7.00 and I was expecting more than one path used at critical points in courses. I hope you can add more randomized paths or increase the mini-map clicking parameters/not use mini-map everywhere.
So far I'm satisfied with the progress the script can make.. it's very dependable. but the small repetitions and lack of logic are what will bring this script down.