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Posts posted by RoundBox

  1. 12 minutes ago, Hope said:

    Hey! @iBenediction


    This is a service I would gladly do for you. I work for @Hanul Services and please join the discord link below if you are curious! I can start this order by Friday and I feel throughout my time I have proven that I am trustworthy and I get the job done. Please PM me if you are curious or want any info :) My discord is Hope#0770 or just @ me if you join the server! If you are at all worried about my credibility feel free to look at past feedback I have recieved from my clients! As for a fear of scamming you have no need to worry as I have paid a deposit as well. I have little to no interest in scamming 30M :)


    Making arrangements with Hope

  2. 2 minutes ago, bankerkrak said:

    What timeframe are you looking for? 

    I might be interested

    I don't expect anything too ridiculous, I was just at sand crabs using range pots averaging 35k/hr. in total your looking at 80 hours of gametime (less as exp/hr will increase at higher levels). 

    if you like, we can start with a few part payments?

  3. Looking for someone to level 65-85 range using bone crossbow (don't have to pick up bolts).  Looking at roughly 2809k Range exp. offering 30M osrs.

    Bolts and ranging potions will be provided, method is up to you, at sand crabs you don't need to eat so this is a good option.


    Must have atleast 30 Posts. If I don't deem you super trustworthy, will do part payments (payments for every 280k exp = 3M).

    Am also happy for people to do parts of the service (i.e 1M exp)

    Must be hand trained

  4. 41 minutes ago, llluminate said:

    not working, keeps crashing on launch 

    [ERROR][Bot #1][08/30 04:40:38 PM]: Error in script onStart(): Perfect Fighter
        at org.osbot.rs07.api.Equipment.getItems(je:82)
        at org.osbot.rs07.api.util.ItemContainer.filter(xk:265)
        at org.osbot.rs07.api.util.ItemContainer.getItem(xk:243)
        at org.osbot.rs07.api.util.ItemContainer.getSlot(xk:129)
        at org.osbot.rs07.api.util.ItemContainer.contains(xk:68)
        at org.osbot.rs07.api.util.ItemContainer.contains(xk:130)
        at perfect.scripting.b.b.aux.E(uj:311)
        at perfect.scripting.b.b.aux.G(uj:382)
        at a.AuX.onStart(ti:246)
        at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor.iiIiIiiiiiiI(tl:33)
        at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor.start(tl:84)
        at org.osbot.lpT9.run(nr:14)
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)
    [INFO][Bot #1][08/30 04:40:38 PM]: Terminating script Perfect Fighter...
    [ERROR][Bot #1][08/30 04:40:38 PM]: Error in script onExit(): Perfect Fighter
        at java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.replaceNode(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap.remove(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.Collections$SetFromMap.remove(Unknown Source)
        at org.osbot.rs07.Bot.removeKeyListener(cl:391)
        at a.AuX.m(ti:2736)
        at a.AuX.onExit(ti:2398)
        at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor.iiIiIiiiiiiI(tl:20)
        at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor.stop(tl:464)
        at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor.stop(tl:446)
        at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor.start(tl:145)
        at org.osbot.lpT9.run(nr:14)
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(Unknown Source)
        at java.lang.Thread.run(Unknown Source)



    I had this issue, make sure your runescape is in fixed mode and then restart the client. Has to be in fixed mode from the beginning. Hopefully that will help


  5. 10 minutes ago, Beezmans said:

    1.48 tb= like 150$/day of storage? why can't they???

    1.48TB is based on having an average of 38k players for the entire day, these numbers jump up massively throughout peak times, players such as pkers of pvm will have higher APM which would increase the amount of data that is saved, consider 1.48TB almost a bare minimum amount of storage required per day and the actual figure much much higher.


    Also i'm not sure where you got that number from. A quick google search for me revealed that most business charge $6.99-$9.99 USD per month for only 1TB of cloud storage. An amount that would be used in less than 24 hours.


    EDIT: Even with your figure, that is $54,750 Annual spent simply on cloud storage for anti-botting measure. Whilst not impossible, do you think it's realistic?

  6. Lets take a look at something small scale.

    I have a mouse recording of myself performing 5 inventories of a bank standing skill. Now this particular skill requires 2 clicks per item. This totals roughly 60 clicks + a small amount of mouse movement for a full inventory + banking. 

    The size of this script is 82Kb. A full rotation of this script takes roughly 3 minutes for the full script to complete it's 5 inventories.


    Using this as a baseline (Actions per minute could be higher or lower per player but just go along with me on this).

    Currently as I write this post there is over 38k players online.

    If Jagex was to record mouse movements alone and everyone was to have the same actions per minute as my script in that 3 minutes, Jagex would have to record and save 3.116GB of data.

    For an hour 62.32GB of data

    and finally for a 24 hour period 1.48TB of data.


    Player counts and Actions per minute will vary wildly across the day but what I am trying to get across is the sheer amount of data storage required to monitor accounts is simply not viable. even with cloud based storage, This becomes an expensive endeavour.


    I hope that what i'm trying to convey makes sense, please provide your feedback, I look forward to seeing what you think about this.


  7. Hi, I am having trouble with breaks.


    The client is ready to take breaks and the script will say (getting ready for break in 2 minutes).


    The 2 minutes will pass and the script will continue fighting.


    I am using mirror mode, thankyou.

    • Like 2
  8. Spoiler alert, got banned after roughly 110 points, botting for 40-55 minutes a day over 3 days. (was literally banned 2 minutes ago, I was babysitting the bot)

    HOWEVER: Things I noticed about this script.

    overall the script functions well, doesn't look ridiculously bot like so I don't think I was reported, simply Jagex detected client/script.

    What I think may have led to the ban if it were script detection as opposed to client detection. 

    sometimes after finishing a game, the script GUI says "interacting with plank" or something to that affect. The mouse is hovering at the plank however it is (maybe) 1 pixel from being able to actually interact with it and the script will hang there for extended periods of time. I have never left it for more than 45 seconds to see if it correct itself as I have always been babysitting.

    Final things to note, yes this was the only script I have used, The account was roughly about 11 days old when I began botting and has clocked up over 50 hours ingame time legitimately before botting.


    EDIT: Ban was a 2 day ban.

  9. 27 minutes ago, Token said:

    Does it not check house first and then go hire the butler?

    There will always be people who tell me the trial was too short, the longer the trial the less cases, but it will never be 0 :feels: . The PM's I get every day explaining how someone failed to hit the start button within a 24 hour time frame because their sister's boyfriend's uncle's dog needed a new haircut and were forced to take the dog immediately to some special dog hairstylist in Turkmenistan, spent the whole 24 hour blocked in the duty free zone because their flight was delayed with no internet connection and can no longer afford purchasing the script because they got ripped off by the coffee prices in the airport prove that I should give 24 days instead of 24 hours. But then again, someone will spend 24 days in a hospital because they had a xanax overdose after their wife dumped them and the story goes on...

    I have always felt that 24 hours was just about the right dose of pain killers for all the headaches I get :doge: maybe a bit too high but I believe users shouldn't even bother buying a script if they really won't ever need it for more than 24 hours. I don't accept donations nor bribes but thanks for the offer :doge:

    I'll check out the camera movements when I get the time but I've already got a few things that I'm working on for this script that have a lot higher priority


    PS: After I'll be optimizing the speed people will be able to get 1-99 construction within the trial time :troll: 

    Authed :doge:

    Quite possibly the best response I have ever read in a very long time. An absolutely impeccable response. 

    Well, with everything said, I would like to say Thank you with my deepest appreciation for the work you have done. If ever I need to get construction up on another account; you can be certain that it is your script I will purchase. Again Thank you for your work and even more so for the laughter provided from your response.

    Kindest regards.

  10. Hey token, Thanks for your Trial.


    Some final words for the script.

    OVERALL 9/10

    The script works fantastically, would give 10/10 if not for the minor errors reported by myself and other users over the last couple pages.

    However none of these errors are breaking the script once it starts the first larder/table. 

    The rates I achieved using this script were 250k/hr oak and 500k/hr mahogany.


    Camera movement... No not anti-ban camera movement. I mean turning the camera so that the script has south at the top of the compass. One of the times starting the script my camera was facing in a way that the script would be clicking through the walls to build larder. Whilst definitely possible. Incredibly unlikely that a normal person would do this.

    EDIT: Naturally the layout of the house will determine the way the camera should be. and won't be the same for everyone.

    AND LASTLY....

    24 Hour Trial is too long.

    By the time I finish my trial I will achieved 57-83 Construction. Naturally If you did mahogany you could achieve 83 in 4 hours. 

    I understand that you give a 24 Hour trial to allow users no matter the time zone to have a go at the script; but essentially, I won't need to purchase the script after the trial is done.

    And I feel bad for that. I feel like i'v ripped you off.

    And so with that, I ask you to PM me your Payal and I will send you 50% of the scripts price as a donation.



  11. Hey mate, come across 2 little problems.

    First one is, it went to fire my old butler for a demon butler, did that okay, and then just got stuck with ERROR: no butler detected. Wouldn't continue.


    Secondly, because my Varrock teleport is set to G.E and it expects to land at the fountain, it wigs out.


    Other than that. it's working fantastically, i'll come back in an hour and let you know how it goes


    EDIT: After one hour the script has been working flawlessly. 253k con exp/hr using oak planks.

    Will update again if anything else changes.


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