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Everything posted by Skrizzly

  1. Well, thesis itself can't get you a job, at least where I live. The main reason I am writing about it is that I don't want to be a 9-5 slave and my goal is to own a shop that sells virtual objects of various games ;)
  2. I could do that and it won't be hard. The thing is that I enjoy writing about this topic, it really expanded the way I look into this market. So I prefer to work with real data:)
  3. Yes, 1 is the lowest and 5 is the highest:) Thank you all!
  4. Hello, OSBot community! I study Management Information Systems at Vilnius University. I am currently writing a thesis on virtual items real world trading in various games. I investigate various methods (systems) to buy/sell virtual objects. I mainly focus on Runescape on my thesis. I know there are a lot of people here that takes Runescape (botting) as a job. So, it would be nice if you could fill in this survey. It's based on Runescape RWT market and my goal is to show how big this market is. Link: https://goo.gl/forms/EvCpJCceOluw3G5r1 Thank you in advance I promise to share its results after I am done with my thesis.
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