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s k ii lz z

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Everything posted by s k ii lz z

  1. RS3 Main comes with the bank and untradeables - username login how much would this account be worth? https://gyazo.com/be6cf1b12f00ae9077b553463930dab1
  2. 60-69 hunter 55-75 thieving prices for both separately please! post your prices on thread and then i will add your skype!ty
  3. sorry i can't refund u,i have already provided u recovery details u can easily recover anytime and once i have the account back and sell it on u can always recover and i'm the one who has to answer to disputes and mods @Dex @Jordan @Decode you guys have the final say... i have put my customers on hold and its been a few days now, can you make a final decision and resolve ths please? thanks
  4. ok i sent him account details and he wanted the acc registered to the same email... he still wants the stuff thats missing from the account and is accusing me of recovering the account,when i recovered it last night and pmed the info to decode so up to you mods now
  5. ight ive sent him a add request on skype
  6. @Decode can u answer on skype so i can pm u details please
  7. also its obvious he has taken items off the account,he takes his sweet ass time to respond to these topics and has no evidence and has shown nothing but words to back his case.... this is annoying me now
  8. no,i recovered the account and waited for a mod to approve my post and reply to my last post and then now im going to hand over details to @Decode on skype but he said 'the last log in should be a few days ago'' even though @taraz has had access all along and i recovered the account last night
  9. will send u now,he has had access since i recovered it late last night when i last posted,i got told not to log in after it got recovered will send u details now
  10. @Jordan @Dex the account has been recovered and i have the login details...what is the next step
  11. i am the original owner of the account and i can recover it,i have not recovered yet because he still has access to the account and its registered under his email address i have just checked, he can easily take a pic of X amount of cash on the account and bank then trade it over to a different account and take a picture of placeholders in the bank and claim that the goods were stolen and make me refund lmao yeah this is getting us nowhere, i can happily recover the account,then what? he is not getting the money back for the account because he has basically tried to frame me and said i have scammed him.. there was no account thread it was just on skype and i have the user blocked and deleted so i doubt there will be saved logs,u can get him to post all the logs if you wish? what do u suggest now @Jordan
  12. I have also refunded people on these forums instead of avoiding it and evading so I would like to say I'm reasonable and should be allowed to continue business on the forums once I have posted proof
  13. Yeah I can provide proof of me refunding the Sythe user on behalf of my friend who's Sythe ACC I was using and they didn't accept my appeal so I came to osbot and p****bot..if I was a scammer then I would of been banned ages ago,instead I've built up my rep and respect on these forums separately and have been a legit business person in the community...never the less I will try to find the proof of me refunding the user and see what I have to face next..
  14. if that was the case, i wouldn't be here still and all the other accounts ive sold to users here and offsite would be disputing against me never the less, he doesn't want to respond to my reply offsite on the thread he has made so i leave it in your hands,i have customers i have to tend to and have put my business on hold for the time being because of this guy
  15. alright no worries, he has not replied to the other thread after i posted my story and the proof i provided clearly shows he still has access to the account and the same registered Email which he had set on the day of purchase on the account.. Disregarding this dispute,i have sold accounts to users here and theres been no issue....i hope u do get banned taraz
  16. @Jordan this is being resolved offsite currently and the disputee has not responded as he is in the wrong no need to create multiple threads @taraz ur a scum lmao and for the sythe issue, all the proof is on sythe and that is the first time i started trading and got into the black market of rs 07 etc and the account was shared with a friend and he scammed a user on sythe so i kindly refunded on his behalf and i submitted an appeal/pardon (also paif the 1.5m) back to the user who was scammed current issue offsite is currently being reviewed by the offsite staff and i will update once it is resolved this is the offsite dispute against me currently being reviewed https://poopbot.org/forums/index.php/topic/10942-biggset-lier-and-scammer-s-k-ii-lz-zveer-maybe-have-two-accounts/#entry102838
  17. separate prices,wont add peoples skype,POST your prices in the thread 50-78 herb 60-78 herb
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