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  1. Lost it at "she doesn't feel loved enough" tbh it's the end of a relationship imo and that's when you move on.
  2. Seems like an easy challenge for anyone in Diamond lawl.
  3. Cool. I've never been banned while botting 24/7. I babysat it a TINY bit while changing scripts every hour or half hour. I'm pretty sure mirror mode won't help tbh. It looks like a silly program and unnecessary.
  4. I've grew tired of LoL and the community so I'm looking to sell my account. I got silver last season and I haven't played a single ranked game this season. 120 RP 906 IP Champs I own: Aatrox, Akali, Alistar, Amumu, Annie, Ashe, Braum, Corki, Mundo, Elise, Evelynn, Ezreal, Fiddle, Garen, Gnar, Gragas, Janna, Jax, Karma, Kassadin, Kayle Kennen Kog, LeBlanc, Lee Sin, Leona, Lux, Malphite, Master Yi, Morgana, Nami, Nasus, Nidalee, Nunu, Olaf, Poppy, Renekton, Riven, Rumble, Ryze, Shen, Shyvana, Singed, Sion, Sivir, Sona, Soraka, Syndra, Taric, Teemo, Thresh, Tristana, Tryndamere, Twisted Fate, Twitch, Udyr, Vayne, Vi, Warwick, Xin, Zed & Zilean. Skins I own: Unchained Alistar, Frost Queen Janna, Arctic Ops Kennen, Muay Thai Lee Sin, Commando Lux, Galactic Nasus, French Maid Nidalee, Pool Party Renekton, Neon Strike Vi, Rocket Girl Tristana, Feral Warwick(Some what rare IIRC?). Runes I own(Pretty basic runes): Reds: x8 Flat AP, x10 Flat Armor, x3 Armor Pen, x9 Flat Physical Dmg, x5 1.7% Attack Speed, x2 .93% Crit Chance, x4 Hybrid Pen, x9 Flat Magic Pen. Yellows: x9 Flat Armor, x1 .43 Physical Dmg, x1 Armor scale & TIER 2 Flat armor(Not sure why I have this lol) Blues: x9 Flat AP, x3 CDR, x5 Magic Pen, x9 Magic Resist Quintessences: x3 AP, x3 Physical Dmg, x3 Attack Speed, x1 Exp Bonus, x3 Gold per 10 I'm not really sure what price I'm looking for but I was thinking 40$ in Steam gift cards. I'm WILLING to NEGOTIATE the price though.
  5. It's interesting that people WITHOUT access to mirror mode claims that mirror mode > everything. Silly.
  6. What's mirror mode? How would I benefit off having it?
  7. I only need to know what Jagex has implemented to help them ban botters. Did Jagex get smarter or is it the same as it was last year? Do they ban EVERY account that has been logged onto with your IP if you're banned for botting? Hello errybody. I'm ready to farm some GP & pk once more. :P
  8. I'm not looking to buy gold. I want to sell my pure.
  9. I'm not exactly sure if it's against the rules to talk about this site so I apologize in advance. I was curious if rs4golds is legit? I've bought gold from them before and it's been fine but I was looking to sell my account to them. They don't pay you until 2-3 weeks which I understand because they want FULL access to the account before giving the money.
  10. Did you get your key? I'm assuming there is a HIGH amount of traffic going to the site which may be causing the error.
  11. Something tells me you're not diamond.. "Just hit every button" ??? wat
  12. Oh my god.. I barely clicked it right now & I see what you're saying. Damn.. I'm such a tease LOL. I should be able to get another set of keys by the end of the weekend. I'll let you know but until then, keep trying with this site. They may fix it *shrug*
  13. I bought it and I stayed up all night playing it. It's a great game with slightly different mechanics.
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