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  1. good luck maybe gonna use you soon :P
  2. Same happend to me used for 30 minutes script called CMultiThiever thieved some silk and boom main gone perm ban
  3. ya but i would give gmail with it if i'd sell
  4. yeap sorry my bad but i can price check it.
  5. how much would i ask for this account? just afked and made some money with it while slayer afkin =P no black marks or any bans, never been member only f2p pictures
  6. yeah it depends alot if you got a like 2-7 years old account you probably will not get caught so easily but when you are just creating new account and just starting botting then you get like max 2 weeks and ur banned depends on breaks and stuff. my experience can say that you just get banned anyway there is no such thing like banrate you just need to to quests and stuff but not to bot only one skill. hope it helped sorry for bad english .
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