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  1. Whatever the issue was, either you fixed it, or it fixed itself. I was smelting iron bars; It would tell me that I had run out of forging rings and then say I didn't have anymore iron bars to smelt and log me out. But when I'd wield a forging ring and have an inventory full of ore, it would work perfectly and withdraw the forging after it broke. Is there a way to pm you on here? Edit: Okay, I've discovered the problem POSSIBLY. It works fine when I select custom values to be selected in the dialog after "smelt x". But when you use random, it somehow thinks it's out of iron ores and closes the bot/logs out.
  2. Possible to get refund? This script is broken, It will finish my inventory of iron ore, then log out and say "no iron ores left" when I clearly have several thousands of ore left
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