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  1. What is happening to steel bars?? I just sold some for 800ea+ and had to pay 4600 to get one.. Yesterday I sold 80k for 600ea, too bad
  2. I've noticed this as well, sometimes it clicks like 8 times. Needs a fix ime
  3. Anyone else NOT banned? I don't know how, but I've botted over 35k bars on 2 accounts (lvl 3) and none of both got banned..
  4. Weekend , Leggo bots :P
  5. Without mirror mode you'll be banned after just a few hours I think. With mirror mode you can take that up to a few days (2-5, depending on how much you bot and take breaks etc, but the total time will probably be close to eachother). However in the weekend it seems very unlikely that you'll get banned when using mirror mode, even if you bot for over 10 hours. So I suggest you create an account on thursday, bot a few hours (2-3) and then start botting insane amounts on friday evening until sunday evening. On sunday evening clear the account, because on monday it is very likely that you'll be banned. All in all you'll be able to make 5m+ profit per account (incl. bond price)
  6. My 2 accounts got banned. I've created them on thursday, botted for like 2 hours, then friday the whole evening and saturday and sunday like 10-12h. Got both accounts to lvl 65. Took everything from the account sunday late evening, so I've made like 14-16m (11-13m if you include bond), depending on how much ea I sell the bars for, probably keep them a while and try to sell 550-600ea. Sad that they catch you so quickly, but all in all making 10m+ in a few days isn't bad :P
  7. Two proggies of this evening
  8. Gl :P, I'm going to do a lot of bars this weekend too . Btw, w361 is running 1000+ bars/h atm
  9. Ok thanks for the tip. And my bars are in ge for over 600ea since saturday and they still havent sold... If everyone did it like this then they would have all been sold, as people would be forced to pay 600+ea or else they would have no bars and they need the bars anyways, so they'd buy 600ea+. I guess people are just selfish these days and want their cash asap. For now I'll just leave them in for 600ea+ as they will sell eventually when bots are down a few hours/days and that comes every now and then..
  10. It's just not worth it with the current bar prices, people keep selling them so low, instead of just putting them in for 600ea+ over night.. This means that you'll spend the whole saturday botting for just making the bonds back..
  11. It is that good, look at the proggy's I've posted the last few days, got it up to 400k, it's just lower now because everyone is selling their bars <550ea and that has a huge impact, as you only profit like 300ea instead of the usual 400+ea
  12. I've got 2 accounts banned today, using mirror mode. They were created like a week ago and they have reached 59 and 65 smith. I've ran them for a few hours each day, with breaks almost every hour except saturday, when I ran them both for about 4 hours straight, although my signature sais otherwise. Yesterday evening I did 3k bars on each account and traded the bars to another lvl 3 acc, thinking: "I'll sell these bars on that account and I'll buy new ores tomorrow", so both accounts had like 50k worth of stuff on it
  13. Oh it's every weekend? xD. Good to know, will put 100k steel bars buy offer in then every week and sell with 100ea profit :P
  14. People are selling their steel bars way to low atm, please sell 600ea+ else the price will keep dropping... And our profits too..
  15. Ok , I hope it gets better after the update, so that it will be possible then :P
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