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Iron Poster

Iron Poster (3/10)



  1. errrrrrmagerd y dis no working!!! gimme updates, pls no more waiterino... No but seriously, status?
  2. Just don't bot and you won't get in trouble.
  3. don't bot ur accounts that you play on lol
  4. Martinjhk

    BETA v1.7.60

    Hmm, if the client error is not fixed. What is the point of downloading this update?
  5. I'm happy that I didn't buy vip yet. How does that work for people that pay for scripts/vip each month? Will they get a refund or something because this is coming to the point that a refund would be at its place.
  6. Isn't it a bit dangerous to link all these accounts to eachother using the refer a friends option? I mean is jagex really that dumb that they can't make that connection to catch whole networks of bots?
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