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Everything posted by treeee

  1. Hey, still can't get the rock crabs to work correctly. Everytime I start it does nothing now. Before it'd just log me out after like 30 minutes of working correctly. Can I get some help please
  2. also does it do randoms? leave for 30 mins and im dead -.-
  3. its been working for a couple hours and now whenever I start it, it just stands there and doesn't move? keeps saying calculating
  4. did nothing came up lol checked paypal and it says pending?
  5. just bought this, but it's not showing up on my client?
  6. so far its working! thank you! Mind if i add you on skype, have another question
  7. should i uninstall, restart, install, then restart?
  8. which java? Maybe I was downloading the wrong one
  9. I am not, never been a big fan of mac's lol
  10. Now I do, people keep downloading more, trying to get it to work. If anyone would like to teamview and try let me know lol
  11. Did you do any paths? I tried re installing it like 100 times, no luck lol
  12. Hey bro, any chance could you help me set up java on my windows 10? Just got a new computer, and trying to set it up so I can bot... Had a couple other people try, and no one can get it. I'm going to be buying a couple of your bots, but without it loading osbot, no point in buying yet lol
  13. I've tried many things, even had a couple people help but it still won't load osbot, or any private server. Say's it can't find the path. I've made multiple path trying to fix the problem, none of them worked. If anyone could help me that'd be great!
  14. Do you have a skype, would like to talk to you about your bots?
  15. Wicked Release! Can I get a trail? If it works well on deadman and or 07rs without getting banned like the other ones I tried, I'll probably end up buying 3-4 to be honest.
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