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Posts posted by NT12

  1. 5 minutes ago, Czar said:

    Ahh I see so should I make it ask for more/less planks? How would I improve please 🙏 

    If possible, it should do something along the following lines;

    - Check how many free inventory spots available = (x)

    - Request (x) planks from butler

    - Take (x) planks from butler

    - Before starting construction, request (x) planks from butler again

    - Build whatever item was requested

    - Take (x) planks from butler

    - Request (x) planks from butler

    - Build whatever item was requested

    This will minimise the down time for the butler fetching planks while you are building the item.

    • Like 1
  2. 5 hours ago, Czar said:

    Done enjoy! :D Am working on making the bot even faster to get more xp, I'm chasing wiki rates atm!

    I just started running it, trying myth capes + demon butler.

    Seems smooth so far, biggest hicup I can see is that when running the cape in inventory + no servants money bag it still requests 26 planks so the butler stalls and runs less efficiently. Currently tapping out at around 150kxp/h. 

    • Like 1
  3. 9 hours ago, Czar said:

    Done enjoy :D rune prices are shooting up again which is great news, I am seeing 1m/hr with chaos runes rofl hopefully stays this way for long :doge: 

    @Czar just checked in and its not showing for me

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