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  1. Could I have a trial of this? thank you either way !
  2. yeah I was using the fury mouse!! The bot turned to try and go up the staircase and the guy was around the corner and it looked like it was trying to hop or logout instead of run and it didn't log out but stayed there for a second until the first spell splashed and then it started to move and the guy snared me and it was KO!!! Should have paused and took over its all good I really like the script great script otherwise real shit
  3. Also, the log out does not work when running away/ ontop of world switch. both do not work.
  4. hey thanks again very solid script!!! DUDE YOUR AWESOME !!! the only problem I had was when the script wanted to world hop it would bug out and wouldn't hop. Another thing was, I feel like there was a certain delay when entering the cave and between clicks to navigate through the cave. I feel like getting through the cave at the north side was a bit slow and has a potential to kill you by it taking to long to enter the cave. Using the Revenant Cave teleport and Varrock Teleport tabs for escape.
  5. Brotha I liked the pot prop wanted to check it out if you could spare another trial for this will let you know of any bugs.
  6. Hey thanks for everything again, there was only one thing i noticed was during the quest; towards varrock it uses the spirit tree system good to get to varrock but once you get to the tea stall it and try and talk to the guy it will not leave and get stuck behind the fence you had to go through to talk to that dude that can make the eagle cape. It work going in jut not going out.
  7. Thank you!! Will add discord! I cant wait to see what else you do !! good job again!!!
  8. hi friend, would love to try this ! Thank you for all that you do cutting edge stuff could really work some of this stuff into a large language model! Will be interesting to see how it will go!! thank you again for this release!
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