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Takeoff OS

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  1. Sorry I should have clarified. The code above will open up the GE, then close it. The sell Item method is essentially skipped for some reason. Would you be able to provide a small sell snippet being utilized with your code so I have something to reference?
  2. I am wanting to sell an item and collect the coins, and then eventually buy some things after (buying part isnt in code just need to figure out sell first) and I am unsure what I'm doing wrong. I've tried to do my due diligence on this by researching, but there isn't many posts about the GE which tells me this is probably something super simple lol. Any help is appreciated. // Interact with a Grand Exchange Clerk to sell the lobsters NPC clerk = getNpcs().closest("Grand Exchange Clerk"); if (clerk.isVisible()) { if(!getGrandExchange().isOpen()) { clerk.interact("Exchange"); log("interacted with clerk"); } if(getGrandExchange().isOpen()){ getGrandExchange().sellItem(379, 10, 1); sleep(random(5000,7000)); getGrandExchange().collect(); sleep(random(2000,4000)); getGrandExchange().close(); log("lobsters sold!"); } else { log("Clerk not found."); } }
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