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  1. Another strange thing is happening. If I have the following getBank().open(); log("Test1"); sleep(10000);//Ten seconds log("Test2"); both log messages appear immediately. Followed by the random solver starting.
  2. I'm trying to debug my script. getBank.open() log("next step") This is my entire script, its located in the "loop" section. The script clicks on the banker, opens the PIN interface then, the log comes up. After some time I get Script exeecutor is taking too long to suspend; restarting now...." "Shutting down script background executors" Then the bank pin solver starts and CORRECTLY ENTERS THE PIN. Followed by "Terminated script my script" I can't for the life of me figure out what the heck is happening. The back pin solver is "working" but will never work while my script is running. when I wait for the bank to open, the solver never comes up. Does anyone know what is happening here? I have also tried a conditional wait for the bank to be open and I get similar strange behavior. Thanks!
  3. OSbot patches the runelite install, and the jagex client launches runelite that has been patched. Since I can already launch runelite successfully its not really a question of using the jagex launcher. And Wine would only help to run the Jagex launcher. The runelite install has different folder locations than on windows and I think that's the only thing preventing OSBot from patching. I don't know how the OSbot patcher works but I think it just needs to be directed to the right folder and install location. The actual patching process should be exactly the same as on windows. For example in linux runelite data is in: /home/$USER/.runelite/ But the Runtelite.jar is in a different location. (along side the bolt launcher, the linux alternative to jagex launcher) ./home/$USER/.var/app/com.adamcake.Bolt/data/bolt-launcher/runelite.jar There might be someway to manually patch the runelite install but I don't have a windows computer to see what files OSbot changes in the patching process to compare. Could someone find where the runelite.jar is stored on windows? Is it in the ~/User/$USER/appdata/runelite directory?
  4. Has anyone figured out how to launch Osbot on linux with Jagex accounts? There is no "jagex launcher" on linux but here is a program called "Bolt" I've gotten bolt to launch and login to an account through runelite. I've also gotten OSBot to launch with without Jagex accounts as well. I renamed bolt's "runelite.jar" with osbot named "runelite.jar" and was able to launch osbot but it failed to initialize. Has anyone had any luck?? Seems like it should be possible, I'll continue tinkering and let anyone know if I figure it out.
  5. Any idea how to get this working in linux? I'm using the bolt launcher and can patch the Runelite.jar but when I launch it from Bolt it still launches runelite.
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