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  1. Got fucking banned, used the script 6 hrs a day max. Bot busting. 2 day ban only at least.
  2. Didn't notice it didn't update yet sorry
  3. Why is this script never working 100% After taking items from the bank, clicks in random spots near minimap and just stays there banking for days.
  4. The bot seems to be working much better now, keep up the great work. Haven't tried "Logout when..." with knives yet though. @griffenater try using normal food/north spot for now if you are having trouble, that seems to be working for me.
  5. I think the script is broken from the new osbot update, gets stuck when banking as well ^
  6. 1. gets stuck while traveling to main spot 2. script stops before killing expiriments using knives with "logout when ... " is selected
  7. This is better than rock crabs, and a great price for an in-depth script like this. Czar, the bot is going crazy now (it seems), it seemed to be working better before, maybe something is different about my setup making the bot get stuck. 1. Guy got stuck walking back to the bank, even when I assisted it in walking and walked it next to the ladder it didn't go up. (using main_spot) 2. I think my guy was spam clicking arrows on the floor and got ring of lifed. He tried to walk back to Canifis, but got stuck at the blue energy door in the dungeon. 3. Sometimes will click back and forth between 2 spots instead of attacking expiriments which is bot-like. (at north_spot) 4. You made it log out when it runs out of food, is it possible to make it logout when you run out of arrows or knives? Otherwise it will kick Expiriments for a while when you run out, which can be avoided of course but this would be helpful. 2 and 3 are less important, 3 only happened at the start of a trip. Also, I very much agree with changing the arrow pickup. Maybe make it an option you can choose how many you want to take. You clearly advertise it picks up arrows between 4-24 seconds, if this got picked up it could start causing bans. Appreciate the work!
  8. Please fix this, how has Jagex not detected this bot? 1. No anti-ban whatsoever, who sits there playing RuneScape from their inventory tab the entire time without checking their exp even once? 2. Spam clicks my iron knives that are laying on the floor when my inv is full of food (lol) 3. If your computer or the server is lagging it will withdraw pots 3-4x so your inv will have 20 pots and 8 food in it 4. Walks like a dumbo, seems to walk in the exact same squares (when walking to and from the bank, and when fighting), like the first square it uses to walk outside of the bank, it's terrible, no one would click that far out, and it does it 100% of the time. 5. Does not walk like a normal person. It waits until it reaches the square it's walking to before waiting half a second to click again. No one does that. 6. Paint glitches and shows exp in attack while ranging sometimes. 7. Thanks for the bot, it's working good.
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