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  1. Well if u had it for so long how come it still isnt flawless but u advertise it as such, ur the trash coder here just tryin to make ez money instead of taking time to create your own quality script.. Once again gl LMAO badmouthing a script peeps got over 100hrs proggies an 1st tester of yours reported random teleporting at a certain hp + multiple other bugs im sure at least his script gains you xp why doesnt yours.. how long you been workin on it again?? Cheers bud
  2. No offense but try an be more original in your scripts maybe if you offered it free but since you know this is already covered for a one time purchase why would you charge a monthly fee... gl with core user base.. and lawl your reasoning for less crowded/less bans doesnt make sense since Insane druid already out there meaning peeps r botting this location regardless.. 2ndly his script is running flawless and always updates reg + hes already working on implementing other locations. So honestly only reason id agree with this is if it were free and I dont cause then itd really b crowded but then again thats just my opinion
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