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Everything posted by Navenine

  1. Welp... 2 accounts banned last night....
  2. Hey, also; with "Dismiss all randoms" selected the client wont know how to close out of the target view window, so it just sits there -- I don't know how you'd fix this, but I imagine it would be by closing the menu and pausing for a second or two (whatever the client's response time is) whenever a random is detected. Thanks again for the great script -E
  3. So.... I still haven't done the quest, thought I'd have time and then didn't -- I'm about to do it now, anyway I could get the trial again? I'd be cool with like a 4-6hr trial or something if you're more comfortable with that; I literally didn't use it once (if you can see that?) Thanks in advance, -E
  4. Hey man, I went ahead and bought it -- works great. I'd only give a few pointers (and somebody may have already done so) Training: 1.When they camera can't align a target w/ the "X" instead of spam clicking while turning the camera, you should have the guy take a step back, it usually realigns the "X" with a targets Selling: 1.With the client changing the default view, the client stalls the bot because it can't change to the menu, to you need to have your bot actually initiate the trade with the shopkeeper 2.You should also have the bot know when it has less than 2k tickets, and stop selling and log. Hope that helps, I do love the bot - training with it is flying by!
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