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  1. But do you think that could be the issue causing it or whats ur take? Should I get subscription for the ad-removal or stop using the hardware mouse? (Don't want the account to be banned if this increases the chance) Besides this I love the script, also ur Smith is great, thx
  2. This has happend to me many times but without the hammer in the inventory Not sure what you mean, but I have added my original profile and that is not a problem. Like the previous comment before me this has happend alot. But besides that I havn't had any hammer in my inventory. I believe that is clicks on the ad box instead of a hammer for the wheel and then cant get out out of because of the camera angle.
  3. Tried it again and ran it, happend again. This is what it looks like, between 5.35 and 5.38 it just stood there next to the wheel. Then the break happend later and it didnt manage to log in later without me moving the mouse around. Any ideas why this is happening?
  4. A question, I have found the bot a few numerous times at this almost exact location and that is has ended the run early and then logged out. I run OSBot without Premium so the AD is there and usually there are a few clicks on it to the webbrowser. My guess is that when it tries to repair the wheel down below, it somehow click on the ad then doesn't know what to do and stops. What do you think, or is there something else that causes this?
  5. Ah wait, so if I got the settings like this, its not enabled? The "Breaking Enabled" has also to be enabled for the function to work? If I want to bot for infinite time, what do I set the "Bot time" to? 999999? Thanks, sorry Im new to this client and doesnt bot that much
  6. Hello Khal Yesterday I ran the bot and set it to ran for 113 minutes. Now afterwards I noticed that it had been running for a lot longer based on the experience that Ive gained. How can this be, how do I know that it will run the time I set it too? Luckily no ban yet, but we will see, it most likely got stuck somehow when repairing the wheels and then got dcd.
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