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  1. Hey @Czar- just wondering if the issue has been fixed with the cannon? Thanks.
  2. I used your breaks, not the osbot breaks. Thanks Also, progress update
  3. Hey @Czar- one issue im having is that before my bot takes a break and logs out, it leaves the cannon there and when i log back in the cannon is gone and i have to go claim it. Can you make an option where the cannon can be picked up before breaks are taken?
  4. sorry deleted post, i fixed the issue!
  5. Hi! Does this script support aerial fishing for the golden tench?
  6. Hey! I dont see the script added yet, thanks
  7. Hi does this do motherload mine too?
  8. im 92 fletching and would love to try this bot! trial pls
  9. would love a trial, thanks!
  10. Hey Apaec, ive liked the post and the script id like, AIO Smither. Please let me use this for free, Thanks.
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