Got a more up to date log of when this happens.
Completed birdhouses then gets stuck trying to get "Herb supplies"
[INFO][06/12 10:25:33 PM]: Welcome to OSBot 2.7.33!
[INFO][06/12 10:25:49 PM]: Updated injection hooks for client revision : 222!
[DEBUG][Bot #1][06/12 10:25:49 PM]: Initializing stealth injection bot...
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:25:49 PM]: Downloading latest RS2 old-school client parameters...
[DEBUG][Bot #1][06/12 10:27:29 PM]: Injected bot reference into client!
[DEBUG][Bot #1][06/12 10:27:29 PM]: Injected 42 class and 364 field accessors!
[DEBUG][Bot #1][06/12 10:27:29 PM]: Injected canvas!
[DEBUG][Bot #1][06/12 10:27:44 PM]: Loading RS world : 62
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:27:44 PM]: Initializing 39 API modules...
[INFO][06/12 10:27:44 PM]: Started bot #1
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:05 PM]: Loaded 5 built-in random solvers!
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:05 PM]: Started random solver : Auto Login
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:13 PM]: Login attempt; awaiting login state or common login code: 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 18
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:28 PM]: Login completed.
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:28 PM]: Random solver exited : Auto Login
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:30 PM]: Started random solver : Welcome Screen
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:35 PM]: Random solver exited : Welcome Screen
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:35 PM]: Scheduling script background executors
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:35 PM]: death callback thread started
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:35 PM]: prayer thread started
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:35 PM]: parameters: CRAFT
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:36 PM]: loaded progress: {last farming run=1718018725310, Birdhouse #1=1718194285196, Birdhouse #3=1718194348234, Falador_flower=1718018497133, Catherby_herb=1718018621392, Birdhouse #2=1718194307335, Birdhouse #4=1718194404402, last birdhouse run=1718194405011, Ardougne=1718018176253, last herb boxes day=-1, Ardougne_flower=1718018125200, Falador_allotment1=1718018522520, Falador_herb=1718018477270, Ardougne_allotment2=1718018175637, Falador_allotment2=1718018533832, Ardougne_allotment1=1718018143224, Hosidius_herb=1718018247547, herb seed=-1, Port phasmantys=1717758290003, next open herb boxes hour threshold=0, flower seed=4, Catherby_allotment1=1718018690406, Catherby_allotment2=1718018724083, Ardougne_herb=1718018110230, allotment seed=4, Falador=1718018534446, Port phasmantys_allotment1=1717758258991, Port phasmantys_allotment2=1717758289382, Catherby=1718018724697, Catherby_flower=1718018640796, Hosidius_flower=1718018271039, Hosidius_allotment2=1718018378526, Hosidius=1718018379140, Hosidius_allotment1=1718018332953}
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:36 PM]: starting hp monitor
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:36 PM]: p=[x=3162, y=3488, z=0] m=false h=false
[WARN][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:36 PM]: The current script is overriding the Break Manager!
[WARN][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:36 PM]: Use custom breaks at your own risk.
[WARN][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:36 PM]: OSBot is not responsible for any issues with breaking.
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:36 PM]: starting stamina potion thread
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:37 PM]: p=[x=3162, y=3488, z=0] m=false h=false
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:37 PM]: missing rake
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:37 PM]: p=[x=3162, y=3488, z=0] m=false h=false
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:37 PM]: getting herb farming supplies
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:46 PM]: opening bank
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:50 PM]: p=[x=3162, y=3488, z=0] m=false h=false
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:50 PM]: getting herb farming supplies
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:50 PM]: caching bank
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:51 PM]: p=[x=3162, y=3488, z=0] m=false h=false
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:51 PM]: getting herb farming supplies
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:51 PM]: getting rake
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:51 PM]: withdrawing item: 1 Rake
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:54 PM]: withdrawal succeeded
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:54 PM]: caching bank
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:55 PM]: p=[x=3162, y=3488, z=0] m=false h=false
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:55 PM]: getting herb farming supplies
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:55 PM]: missing seed dibber
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:55 PM]: withdrawing item: 1 Seed dibber
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:57 PM]: withdrawal succeeded
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:57 PM]: caching bank
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:59 PM]: p=[x=3162, y=3488, z=0] m=false h=false
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:59 PM]: getting herb farming supplies
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:59 PM]: missing spade
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:29:59 PM]: withdrawing item: 1 Spade
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:01 PM]: withdrawal succeeded
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:01 PM]: caching bank
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:02 PM]: p=[x=3162, y=3488, z=0] m=false h=false
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:02 PM]: getting herb farming supplies
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:02 PM]: getting bottomless bucket
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:02 PM]: withdrawing item: 1 Bottomless compost bucket
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:04 PM]: withdrawal succeeded
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:04 PM]: caching bank
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:05 PM]: p=[x=3162, y=3488, z=0] m=false h=false
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:05 PM]: getting herb farming supplies
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:05 PM]: closing blocking interface
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:06 PM]: p=[x=3162, y=3488, z=0] m=false h=false
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:06 PM]: getting herb farming supplies
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:11 PM]: p=[x=3162, y=3488, z=0] m=false h=false
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:11 PM]: getting herb farming supplies
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:11 PM]: selecting first option
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:12 PM]: p=[x=3162, y=3488, z=0] m=false h=false
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:12 PM]: getting herb farming supplies
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:12 PM]: loaded charges: 225
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:13 PM]: p=[x=3162, y=3488, z=0] m=false h=false
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:13 PM]: getting herb farming supplies
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:13 PM]: opening bank
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:15 PM]: p=[x=3162, y=3488, z=0] m=false h=false
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:15 PM]: getting herb farming supplies
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:15 PM]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
at AuX.H(vb:2948)
at AuX.ea(vb:2959)
at AuX.onLoop(vb:1224)
at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$
at Source)
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:16 PM]: p=[x=3162, y=3488, z=0] m=false h=false
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:16 PM]: getting herb farming supplies
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:16 PM]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
at AuX.H(vb:2948)
at AuX.ea(vb:2959)
at AuX.onLoop(vb:1224)
at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$
at Source)
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:17 PM]: p=[x=3162, y=3488, z=0] m=false h=false
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:17 PM]: getting herb farming supplies
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:17 PM]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
at AuX.H(vb:2948)
at AuX.ea(vb:2959)
at AuX.onLoop(vb:1224)
at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$
at Source)
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:17 PM]: p=[x=3162, y=3488, z=0] m=false h=false
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:17 PM]: getting herb farming supplies
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:17 PM]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
at AuX.H(vb:2948)
at AuX.ea(vb:2959)
at AuX.onLoop(vb:1224)
at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$
at Source)
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:18 PM]: p=[x=3162, y=3488, z=0] m=false h=false
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:18 PM]: getting herb farming supplies
[INFO][Bot #1][06/12 10:30:18 PM]: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: -1
at AuX.H(vb:2948)
at AuX.ea(vb:2959)
at AuX.onLoop(vb:1224)
at org.osbot.rs07.event.ScriptExecutor$
at Source)