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  1. I appreciate the support! Working on adding some more locations for woodcutting in general, the next update will be in a few days!
  2. Not the same for me I can’t replicate that myself. Throwing any error in the logs or just freezing? Where are you starting the bot when trying to firemake? EDIT: Just checked to make sure, and it is working as it should. So if you don't mind giving me the location you started the bot and I will look into why it isn't working for you ASAP!
  3. Just updated the download link for the version 0.2. I added support for firemaking for f2p logs up to Yew. Automatic banking, start wherever, but as of right now it makes the fires and banks at draynor.
  4. Thanks. Currently working on a tabbed GUI and implementing a firemaking option. It’s all pretty roughly coded, but I hope someone will get some use out of it, or at least be able to decompile it if they want and take a look.
  5. Only releasing this as a "proof of concept", or a "preview of what is to come". I used this project to get a baseline in using the OSBot api and I have come a long way, I have made about 500k with this bot, I run it an hour or two at a time with about the same amount of time as a break. Sitting at 63 WC, but have only cut Oaks. Supports : Lumbridge Trees Draynor Oak Draynor Willow Edgeville Yew "Powerchopping", but I dont recommend. Working on a faster auto drop with mouse clicks, but it drops slowly if that's okay with you. EDIT VERSION 2!: Now supports firemaking and I have updated the GUI to be tabbed. I have only personally tested out the firemaking to logs up to oak, but it should work on f2p logs up to yew. As for location support on firemaking, it chooses an area by draynor bank for easy bank access. It will automatically withdraw logs and a tinderbox if you need one. I updated the link below! Be cautious as it isn't the best the firemaking could be, I am improving on it as we speak and I will more than likely have something better this weekend. EDIT AGAIN: I fixed it for the most part, still needs improvement, but it wont get stuck on a fire anymore. Enjoy, and if you're new feel free to decompile and attempt to learn/understand even though the code might not be the cleanest or most efficient. **************** Download Here **************** Initial Release v1 Basic support for f2p trees up to Yew Update .2 Added firemaking support that is progressive automatically, given you have the logs in your bank. The only area it supports as of right now is an area near draynor. Will withdraw logs/tinderbox if needed and when needed. Got rid of the crappy other GUI and added a nice tabbed one that I will improve upon.
  6. Interesting, I will have to try that out! I'll post an update if I go that route. Thanks again for the help.
  7. I understand that after reading the API page, but I want it to go to specific banks which it does and it solves the issue I had with it walking to a bank booth that wasn't usable in the first place. Thank you though!
  8. this is what I went with : if (Banks.DRAYNOR.contains(myPlayer())) { if (!bank.isOpen()) { bank.open(); new ConditionalSleep(2500, 3000) { @Override public boolean condition() { return bank.isOpen(); } }; } } if(bank.isOpen()){ bank.depositAllExcept("Bronze axe", "Steel axe", "Iron axe", "Mithril axe", "Black axe", "Adamant axe", "Rune axe", "Dragon axe"); bank.close(); } else { walkToDestination(Banks.DRAYNOR); } } Looks much cleaner than what I had before, thank you as well!
  9. Appreciate the welcomes! Nice to be here for sure.
  10. So I did get this far RS2Object bankbooth = getObjects().closest(o -> o.getName().equals("Bank booth")) I added the && o.hasAction("Bank")); and it works flawlessly. So simple, thanks so much!
  11. At first i was using Banks.DRAYNOR to get to the bank, but I am assuming there is just something wrong with the checks I am doing to determine which bank booth I use because my script is just going to the nearest one which usually with pathing is the fake ones. To mitigate (I thought), i made the Area for the bank smaller so the bot would click in that area instead and land closer to the real booths causing it to interact, but that didnt work either. public void DBank() { if (DBank.contains(myPlayer())) { if (bank.isOpen()) { getBank().depositAllExcept("Bronze axe","Steel axe","Iron axe","Mithril axe","Black axe","Adamant axe", "Rune axe", "Dragon axe"); getBank().close(); } else { RS2Object bankbooth = getObjects().closest("Bank booth"); logger.debug("Accessing Bank Booth."); if (bankbooth != null && bankbooth.hasAction("Bank")) { if (bankbooth.hasAction("Bank")) { bankbooth.interact("Bank"); delay = random(611, 902); } else { camera.toEntity(bankbooth); camera.movePitch(random(camera.getPitchAngle() -1, camera.getPitchAngle()+1)); There is my Draynor banking snippet. EDIT: I also tried changing my code from if(bankbooth.isVisible() to if(bankbooth.hasAction("Bank") even though that check is above it just to make double sure that wasn't where it is going wrong. The logger does say "Accessing Bank Booth", but i tried throwing another if statement saying if it was visible and it didn't print anything.
  12. Been botting for a while now, but i finally decided to get into making custom scripts. So far so good, made a fairly basic woodcutting/banker that supports up to oaks and lumbridge and draynor. Excited to see how far I can take it and how good I get in the process. Nice to meet you all!
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