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  1. Thanks. I unchecked avoid banking because I wanted the bot to run all night and bank for food in case I got low. My assumption is got gangbanged by like 3 crabs and was killed with no food, or I was led into the path of a hobgoblin who just killed me. Those would be my two guesses.
  2. Thanks - the trail went ok. I think I used it for about 8 hours at sand crabs. The thing is, my character kept getting killed at the sand crabs even though I had a full inventory of food. I am not monitoring the bot so I don't know how he is getting killed. That is my only complaint. CZAR, could I also trial Perfect Rock Crabs? Is that a separate script? I would like to see if I don't get killed using that script versus Perfect Fighter.
  3. Hi Czar - I am being truthful but I never ended up seeing or using the trial. I wasn't able to get on it time to use it! Would it be possible for another trial? I am ready to try it tonight if that is possible. sorry for the inconvenience.
  4. Whats the difference between Perfect Fighter and Perfect Rock Crabs? Can I try both? Unless they are the same. Thx.
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