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Everything posted by theladcuz

  1. Oh yeah and lets not forget about that other farm i was talking about. i mean that runcrafting one is only making me 1.5m per hour doing double deaths/wraths Sorry for that death rune crash tbh im doing more wraths now for real i almost had them down to 110gp last week. Remember selling at least 500k+ deaths per day and half that wraths. But yeah laugh at me i dont care. Just pretty funny how people get treated for first time posting on here when they really do know what they are doing. SMD ill keep that gp for myself kids =P RANT OVER
  2. oh yeah and i got like 10 accounts with 99 rc so i must be doing something right. Thats the only hint your getting xd bye
  3. also lets me rant some more, Say i knew how to make a condition for PID. I dont even know if you know what PID means but it would be a big discovery for any decent DEV on any platform I would say.
  4. Well you probably haven't come across a decent Developer as of yet. That comes with experience, and yes there are plenty here. Say i was running a raid level 500 solo farm. You think i would tell you about it? Use some common sense im trying to help in some way and some people are going to understand it more than others. Have a good day.
  5. nothing has a low or high ban rate. The reason your getting banned is because of the script your using or the lack of variables the GUI/client has to offer.
  6. Hi guys, This is my first real forum post on something I think is useful to the botting community. First of all my names Sam and ive been botting in OSRS for around 15 years having a few years off in between. Please ignore my slang/spelling lol I Cant even remeber the client i used 15 years ago but i do remember the only flawless script was mining Pure Ess Via V East bank. Shortly after a few more clients came available and better scripts came to the average user. Obviously with more users starting to use these clients jagex had to put a stop to all of this with the decline of legit osrs players joining the game and also OG players quitting due to the rampage of bots. So where im getting at is jagex created the Automatic Detection system/Program which basically eliminated the average botter completely with bans coming within 2 weeks max. But this was not the case for everyone botting, Depending on the script your using is really important and understanding how the detection system works is also a key factor in avoiding these bans. This now leads to what i wanted to talk about in this thread which is understanding the Jagex detection system. Now this comes with only experience and nothing else (getting banned 100 times for example) in my eyes is experience. So if your new to botting this will just be a waste of time as im not going to explain how. Im going to assume you already know this. So last week ive had a farm going in 2 different areas. I wont be specific as i dont want anything to cause unnessasary bans as these accounts are mid and end game and required alot of time. I noticed my first ban in a few months and normally i wouldnt think about why it got banned as id just make a new one and replace or forget about it quickly but this time I looked into it and relised i had set a variable different by accident and not relising. For example normally i could set something like Min break time (mins) - Max break time (mins) Min Run time (mins) - Max run time (mins) Hop worlds after X runs min - Hop worlds after X runs max Sleep variables for opening bank etc etc Dead hours (when your sleeping so its shut down for x amount of hours) the list goes on.... like these are just some variables that have caused some of my bans which im 100% about. If you found this useful let me know in the comments as i have more advice i would like to share even for begginer botters cheers Sam
  7. TRADER FEEDBACK 0 0 0 TOTAL RATING 0% VIP 25 Posted October 1 I’d love to try, inspired good old nate to make his new video
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