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Scripter I
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Everything posted by Clayplug

  1. Hello all! I'm writing a basic fishing script. When I set it up the first time it was working decently. Now I'm trying to map it over to a behavior tree (Task based script). I have this issue where in a Task that checks if the player is at a spot, the myPosition() method keeps giving me a NullPointerException. It says the issue is at org.osbot.rs07.script.MethodProvider.myPlayer(xe:677) and (xe:679). I've narrowed it down here. The MethodProvider is not null, the getInventory is not null, which means that other methods on the MethodProvider work. The only thing that's returning as null is the myPosition method. Does anyone have any advice?
  2. Hello, I'm new and stuck on this part: 5.5. Open the OSBot client and refresh the script list, the "Example Script" should appear on the list The script builds just fine, the problem is that it does not appear on the list of scripts in my OSBot client. I have the feeling that I'm outputting it into the wrong directory. I setup OSB on Ubuntu Linux, and it wasn't installed like most programs, I merely ran the jar file through the terminal. Can someone help me determine the proper directory to put the script into? Also, if there's a "proper" way to run OSB on Ubuntu, I'd be glad to see it. The program is running fine, I'm just not able to get the Example script to appear within it.
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