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Everything posted by NB6675
I would think it would make no difference. My reasoning is a lot of people play on more than one account at the same time, myself included. My non-botted normies (4 of them) are all AFKed in NMZ (or whatever skill I'm currently training) at the same time. I know at least 5 other people in my clan chat that do the same thing. If multi-clienting were a red flag, it would affect normal players too, I'm sure.
If you aren't throwaway botting I recommend mirror mode (and if you aren't using the computer or using a VPS even use hardware mouse), but as a rule I've found that scripts with less input (i.e. no banking, no burying, shift dropping, etc) tend to have lower banrates as well as those that are situated in P2P areas. The AFK training methods tend to be the least banned in my experience too, I've almost got max combats in a month botting sporadically with no trouble, some days up to 20 hours
So I've noticed that my bots (I don't ever do suicide bots) tend to get banned first on scripts that involve a lot of mouse action, clicks, etc. Especially ones that do not utilize shift to drop. Almost always gathering ones, fishing especially. I know that areas are important (for instance, fishing in F2P like lumb/barb village is a big nono) but I digress. I've managed to bot to 95+ base melee with sand crab scripts and the like (ones that require very little input) and not get banned, even going as far as 12-14 hours a day, but when I get to fishing or mining it's nearly always a ban (leading me to start developing my own scripts that use less input where possible). Has anyone else noticed this trend?
Thanks! I added the ironman account just now, unfortunately I'm probably going to take a break on that one because I copped a 2 day ban testing scripts on it haha. I may just go ahead and keep going with it since it's not that hard to start a new one though. Made the mistake of doing thieving at fruit stalls for 12 hours.
UPDATES AT BOTTOM I've been able to pull off 11 days so far at about 4-5 hours a day averaged. My VPS didn't have enough CPU at first so osbot was crashing after about 2 hours, so I upgraded to a 6 core w/ 8gb RAM for mirror mode (Win2019S). My strategy so far appears to be working, I do a few things manually and occasionally quest every couple of days. I'm doing this same thing alongside another account that isn't quite to where this one is (5-6 on 5-6 off while the other account goes). I'm (goint to be) using my own scripts for skilling, combat I am using APA Sand Crabs. Not a suicide bot, just wanna see how far I can go and if I don't get banned it'll be a new main I guess Up to this point, even with mirror mode, I was getting perm bans within 1-2 hours. I think crabs are very likely one of the better spots to bot for combat (personally) because everyone that isn't botting there is already being botlike since it's an AFK hot spot. Probably harder for individual detection (I assume) Ironman account: I did the agility and crafting by hand on this one. Updates: Account 1: Account 2 (took a break from crabs to do some other things): I've been slacking on this account, hoping #1 is okay, I accidentally left it running for 11 hours yesterday lol. Ironman: Updates 5/19 Account one^ Account two is banned, accidentally left PerfectFisher on for like 13 hours Ironmeme^
I always bond directly to the account from my main, so much trading goes on I doubt they would ever do anything about trades without concrete proof of rwt or something
I'm not sure I follow, askers?
What's everyone doing while we wait for the update
NB6675 replied to NB6675's topic in Spam/Off Topic
Same happened to me, I had to reinstall for it to work on my Win2012 VPS Good looks, I didn't realize. Been up since 9 haha. -
My username on here aside, I go by Tilex. Used to be an admin on Sythe waaaaay back in the day with my buddy SMR in the programming section, quit in 2008 to go to college and I'm guessing my Sythe acc got hacked because I can no longer access it (banned lol). I helped out with some of the programming on Autorune 2 and scripted for Aryan/AR2, but mostly I was involved with the C++ section. Late introduction as I joined last week, just wanted to /wave because I'm bored waiting for the next osbot release. Edit - To clarify to anyone who might be curious, as far as AR2, I sometimes would deobfuscate the client ahead of time and release my own client (unofficial) because I was interested in code interpreting at the time. I'm pretty sure the obfuscation process is still the same as far as Jagex goes, but I'm too lazy and busy with RL right now to even check.
What's everyone doing while we wait for the update
NB6675 replied to NB6675's topic in Spam/Off Topic
Osbot is broken due to OSRS update currently, so Osbot -
A big issue with getting banned that people don't often consider isn't what script you're using, or stealth/mirror, or IP, it's where you're botting. For example, you shouldn't ever bot in Lumbridge, or really any F2P area to be honest. I've been doing sand crabs for weeks and never had a ban while there, with this and other bots. That's an area that I would expect would be low priority for Jagex, because it's so easy to AFK them already, they probably just expect everyone there to be AFKers. Take areas into account and it can save you some heartache, I promise you
What's everyone doing while we wait for the update
NB6675 replied to NB6675's topic in Spam/Off Topic
RIP, does the API change significantly between distros? Also, love your AIO fighter, saved me a lot of time from writing my own because I'm impatient -
I'm afking NMZ on my two mains and powermining on my ironman while refreshing the main page every 30 seconds
Java is not difficult, but Jagex uses a process called obfuscation that changes the names of functions, variables, modules, etc. So something like walk() would become x1() etc, and you have to deobfuscate the code to make sense of it. A good synonym would be scramble. The deobfuscation process can be automated but it's a complicated bit of programming. Edit - of course, osbot might not use that in part of its processes, I haven't done any RS related programming since 2006 lol. But back then it took hours to interpret the code, and after it was automated the deobfuscator would break occasionally and had to be fixed on updates etc
they're likely working on it, I used to work on the client back when I was a sythe admin and I can tell you from experience that deobfuscation of the client is a tedious process after an update
I've gone a few days so far with stealth and have base 60 combat with a couple skills to 20-30 @ 6-8 hours a day, but all my accounts get banned after a while, other than my iron man that is at 80 mining.
pretty sure the bot doesn't work right now, at least not for me on stealth or mirror mode. stealth gets stuck at attaching and mirror doesn't recognize the client
I couldn't decide if this should go in forum feedback or client suggestions because it could apply to both maybe, idk I didn't sleep so I'm hazy. Stayed up setting up my first farm. Jagex more than likely archives the data on every account they ban and implements some kind of cross check on accounts they're monitoring before manual review, or at the very least to set flags with whatever automatic detection system they have. I think an option in osbot to submit a user input field detailing the ban would potentially be useful to script developers and the osbot programmers themselves. Of course with no personal data, but something like this maybe: Account level - ## Account age - ## Ban type/duration - ## What was being botted - Obviously these are all things Jagex would already know (I'd imagine) so it couldn't hurt to make it privately available on the forum, I'm sure. Plenty of people already make posts about their bans, this would just automate it a bit. Kind of like an error report for Google or something lol. Apologies if this is already implemented, I've only been using osbot for a few days.