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  1. Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays!
  2. Thank you for completing this for me. Thread can be closed now.
  3. No need to create another thread. Send me a PM I will do my best to help you get set up.
  4. Strange... I don't recall changing any settings for that. *EDIT* Try again my inbox was full.
  5. I can try and troubleshoot it for you once I'm home if you'd like. As I mentioned previously, I haven't used OSBot in ages.
  6. You don't need to open the .jar file with winrar. Simply double click the .jar file and the client should appear.
  7. I'm not sure I fully understand what you are asking. Based off what you said; I'm going to assume you are trying unpack the client from winrar and run it with your purchased scripts, if that's the case unzip the file as you would any other compressed file to your preferred location. (Ex. Desktop) Load the client and enter your OSBot details you should be able to load OSRS and have all of your scripts show up. It has been ages since I last opened OSBot but I'm assuming it has changed much. -EDIT- It appears when you click download on this website it is downloading a .jar file. Simply run the .jar file and make sure you have Java installed beforehand, Good luck, Jyn
  8. Still looking for someone to complete this task for me. Discord - Jyn3665
  9. Better luck next time! I've managed to gain a few 99s on my skiller including; Crafting, Firemaking, Thieving, Cooking, Smithing & Fishing. If you need any cheap maybe even free account feel free to PM me. Don't feel discouraged just give it another shot and you'll achieve the 99s you want.
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