Past accounts (if you know of any): Current account: Reasoning: Krillex is banned on Sythe for evasion/scamming, and has been denied a pardon.
His profile:
Pardon Request Thread:
I am also currently doing an order for him, which is how we met each other. He told me how he uses other sites like Sythe, so I though that was pretty cool since I use it too. I then checked his Sythe profile a couple days later and he was banned for a string evasion.
I'm not sure how I go about completing the order, as I don't want to work for someone who scams and evades, and I don't want to have to refund said person either. If I have to do one or the other though, just let me know, and I suppose I will, but yea, just wanted to bring this to your attention, thanks!