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Everything posted by RuneBoyBallin

  1. After an hour you are able to go back and sell it, a completely separate "sell" option would be cool
  2. I would love to see an option of silk selling in Ardy!
  3. Sorry i think i misworded that, for example: Starting food: 10 Min food: 2 The bot will start with 10 food, but as soon as it goes below 2 food, itll restock back up to 10 As someone who is new to botting etc, it would feel like that little extra safety precaution, but i do understand if it seems like something not worth your time.
  4. Something to add (unless there's already an option and I've missed it) but to go along with the minimum food option. To have an option besides the Min Food section, to also have a starting amount. For example, having Min Food set to 2 pieces, but whenever you go below 2 it should restock up to a desires amount, eg 10. Only something very minor, but again this script has been great with no problems so far!!
  5. A small suggestion - When selecting "South East / South West" to have an option to randomise which side you go to each time. Could help you be seen less? Love the scripts
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