Hey Mate, good bot, loving it just one problem, when it fights, works for a good couple hours, some times just around 45 mins, it spontaneously stops everything, stands in one spot and doesnt let the client log out, i stood in one spot for 4 hours, me thinking i closed the program.
here is the log.
[INFO][Bot #1][12/29 10:48:31 AM]: Got a success...
[INFO][Bot #1][12/29 10:48:31 AM]: Dumping save...
[INFO][Bot #1][12/29 10:48:31 AM]: "ss_save_bounds" "0" "did_teleport_fight" "1" "ss_allow_multicombat" "0" "ss_hop_at_death" "0" "level_task_system" "0" "prayer_normal_mode" "0" "aio_fighter_attack_delay" "1" "ale_name_extended" "0" "ss_slaughter" "0" "ss_slayer_ice_cooler" "0" "stop_con_1" "TIME" "aio_fighter_special_wait" "0" "ss_cannonball_range_2" "15" "ss_planner_auto_upgrade" "1" "eat_for_space" "0" "only_loot_target" "0" "ss_cannonball_range_1" "15" "ss_test_stop_combat_2" "0" "stop_con_size" "0" "ss_move_mouse_outside" "1" "alert_inactivity" "0" "ss_superior_slayer" "0" "ss_magic_mode" "0" "level_task_mode" "0" "ss_hop_world" "0" "alert_allow_beep" "0" "b2p_spell_mode" "0" "script" "fighter" "fight_position_y" "0" "fight_position_z" "0" "strength_goal" "40" "ss_safespot_range" "30" "fight_position_x" "0" "ss_test_stop_combat" "0" "npc_cb_0" "0" "bank_item_block_0" "0" "ss_smart_safespot" "0" "enable_loot_arrows" "0" "ss_tile_loot_distance" "8" "enable_bone_bury" "0" "ss_npc_tile_dist" "0" "ss_pot_while_combat" "0" "ss_fightzone_stay" "1" "ss_spec_min_target_hp" "40" "ss_antifire_mode" "0" "alert_at_bank" "0" "ss_konar_droptable" "0" "ss_equip_travel_bank" "0" "no_loot_arrows_combat" "0" "ss_first_occurence_y" "9674" "ss_first_occurence_x" "3089" "ss_ov_potion_cb" "0" "ss_first_occurence_z" "0" "ss_b2p_wait_food" "0" "pref_bank" "nearest" "ranging_mode" "0" "bank_item_id_0" "379" "ss_save_safespot" "0" "ss_safespot_priority" "0" "ss_avoid_response_combat" "0" "walk_fight_1" "walk" "ss_afk_mode" "0" "enable_special_attacks" "0" "ss_guthans_mode" "0" "prioritize_loot" "0" "ss_allow_wildy" "0" "walk_bank_0" "walk" "loot_list_size" "0" "bank_list_size" "1" "ss_reattack_target" "0" "did_teleport_bank" "0" "ss_expeditious" "0" "ss_stop_at_death" "0" "ss_default_equip_slot_7" "Leather_gloves" "ss_default_equip_slot_6" "Iron_platelegs" "ss_default_equip_slot_5" "Iron_kiteshield" "ss_cannon_mode" "0" "ss_eat_bounds_2" "42" "ss_eat_bounds_1" "14" "ss_equip_travel_fight" "0" "loot_item_value" "0" "ss_break_at_bank" "0" "alert_at_logout" "0" "ss_custom_break_tile" "0" "bank_item_amount_0" "28" "ss_wildy_emergency_tele" "0" "ss_only_my_npcs" "0" "unreachable" "0" "ss_slayer_bag_of_salt" "0" "ss_wait_loot" "0" "ss_allow_spec_below_health" "0" "ss_fight_with_cannon" "0" "ss_eq_when_possible" "0" "bank_mode" "1" "ss_loot_single_ammo" "0" "ss_safespot_tile_x" "0" "ss_safespot_tile_y" "0" "ss_safespot_tile_z" "0" "ss_default_equip_slot_4" "Iron_platebody" "ss_default_equip_slot_3" "Mithril_longsword" "bank_condition" "No_food" "ss_eat_before_loot" "0" "ss_default_equip_slot_2" "Amulet_of_strength" "ss_default_equip_slot_1" "Black_cape" "loot_in_combat" "0" "ss_default_equip_slot_0" "Iron_full_helm" "ss_stopcon_safe" "0" "ss_spec_my_health" "30" "even_rule" "0" "ss_lootbag_mode" "0" "alert_random_event" "0" "telegrab_loot" "0" "alert_name_called" "0" "ss_allow_spec_npc_health" "0" "first_occurence_x" "0" "ss_readyclick_npc" "0" "defence_goal" "0" "first_occurence_z" "0" "first_occurence_y" "0" "npc_name_0" "Zombie" "ss_real_distance" "0" "prayer_flick_mode" "0" "ab_override_random" "0" "ss_slayer_rockhammer" "0" "npc_list_size" "1" "ss_return_safespot_no_loot" "1" "ab_mouse_outside" "1" "attack_goal" "40" "stop_con_action_1" "1" "ss_save_cannon_tile" "0" "ss_fightzone_loot" "0" "ss_b2p_mode" "0" "ss_return_safespot_combat" "0" "stop_con_1_val_2" "32" "stop_con_1_val_1" "2"
[INFO][Bot #1][12/29 10:48:31 AM]: ... success!
[INFO][Bot #1][12/29 10:48:31 AM]: Dumping SmartInventory
[INFO][Bot #1][12/29 10:48:31 AM]: [ACTION]=deposit_except_id | [ITEM]=379 | [AMOUNT]=1 |
[ACTION]=eat | [ITEM]=Lobster | [AMOUNT]=1 |
[ACTION]=deposit_all | [ITEM]= empty | [AMOUNT]=1 |
[ACTION]=withdraw_special_items_id | [ITEM]=379_28, | [AMOUNT]=1 |
[INFO][Bot #1][12/29 10:48:31 AM]: Killed 620 npcs, gained: 71,276 exp, ran for: 00:10:58:54.
[INFO][Bot #1][12/29 10:48:31 AM]: Make sure to post a progress report on the main thread!
[INFO][Bot #1][12/29 10:48:31 AM]: If you have any bugs/suggestions/feedback, please make a detailed post how to add it to the script, in the main thread!
[INFO][Bot #1][12/29 10:48:31 AM]: Thanks for using Perfect Fighter!
[INFO][Bot #1][12/29 10:48:31 AM]: saving fight bounds for profile [updated 100]
[INFO][Bot #1][12/29 10:48:31 AM]: Last experience gain was: 00:05:47:44 ago
[INFO][Bot #1][12/29 10:48:31 AM]: Script Perfect Fighter has exited!
[INFO][Bot #1][12/29 10:48:32 AM]: Currently banking!
[INFO][Bot #1][12/29 10:48:32 AM]: Walking to nearest bank: Draynor village...
[INFO][Bot #1][12/29 10:48:33 AM]: Webwalker emergency! Attempting to load locally...
[INFO][Bot #1][12/29 10:48:33 AM]: walk_suh no path found between [x=3120, y=3251, z=0] and [x=3093, y=3245, z=0] ..