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  1. ^ I see, so you're saying adding some anti-ban feature basically does jackshhhit ^ yeah I understood it, I guess I was just confused why ppl buy fishing/wc scripts if there's no less chance of being banned than making your own basic script.
  2. So I read this post recently: . This post sort of talks about how all bots can be banned and anti-ban is just a gimmick that scripters use to push sales/downloads. So what exactly do these SDN scripts implement that counts as the anti-ban that they advertise? Is it stuff like random mouse stutters, misclicks etc to seem more human-like? What sort of "anti-ban" features make a script worth $10+?
  3. Oops, that !. So I guess that means I don't need to add the Conditional sleep at all then, thank you
  4. This is my code: if(getInventory().isFull()) { //If logs exist in inventory, drop them log("Dropping logs"); getInventory().dropAll("Logs", "Oak logs", "Willow logs"); Sleep.sleepUntil(() -> !getInventory().isEmpty(), 30000,1000); } The issue stopped happening today, not sure why since I haven't changed my code at all. I suspect if anything it was my camera zoom? It wasn't set to default before but idk if that causes issues or not. But since you're all here, is this Conditional Sleep implementation correct for waiting till all logs are dropped? I'm using Explv's lambda class
  5. I’m using getInventory.dropAll() to drop any “Logs”. But every 3rd logs the script drops, the mouse spasms across the screen. Is this normal? It’s my first script edit: I woke up today, ran the script again, turned on Mouse Trails and the issue is not occurring anymore. It was only happening on my 1st test bot which got banned, 2nd one didn't get banned yet and neither did it have mouse spasm issues.
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