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  1. Have idea about making community-driven bannable pattern list. Filling them by scripters when they unban their scripts describing what was causing bans. Information should be added with description of what pattern was causing bans from opinion of scripter (Like: bot was always using Bank booth to open bank and never use Banker NPC and it got accounts banned in a week). (!) Should'nt post solution (how did you work around the problem) so everybody does it his own way. But information about patterns those are already in Jagex filters is safe to post. Yeah, there's competition between scripters and maybe they will not post script-specific bannable patterns (especially if they have competitor script that is banned atm). But general actions patterns (those are most ones causing bans i think) are safe to post if it will be accessible only by limited group of people writing scripts and fighting bans for long time. Also OSBot Team could post bannable patterns they found to protect scripters from making mistakes and improve quality of service for OSBot users. Interesting what does scripting community think about this?
  2. I dont use bot tabs. When tried to use I got higher CPU load due to garbage collection i think.
  3. 1. OSBot Version (do NOT put "current version", be specific) 2.4.121 2. A description of the issue. Include relevant logs. Map.canReach(Position) do not check Z coordinate. 3. Are you receiving any errors in the client canvas or the logger? Nope 4. How can you replicate the issue? Pass Position with Z coordinate different from bot's current position and still get TRUE result from map.canReach(). 5. Has this issue persisted through multiple versions? If so, how far back? I think yes, from the time when Area didnt have z coordinate. Oh sorry posted to wrong section. Dont sure what can i do now. Please moderators move to https://osbot.org/forum/forum/102-client-bugs-suggestions/ or just delete it. Thanks.
  4. Yeah, like this. But in addition - if player will be in different location. For example, to be able detect will be Entity visible after camera movement finish / bot finish walking to destination position or need continue moving towards Entity (do one more click on minimap/tile) so Entity become visible.
  5. I want to make function with following signature: boolean willBeVisible(Entity entity, int cameraX, int cameraY, int yew, int pitch) or if camera finished moving to reflect player position change: boolean willBeVisible(Entity entity, Position playerPos, int yew, int pitch) Any ideas where can i take Entity transform into camera space code snippet or how can use OSBot API to achieve this?
  6. Basically just trying to point you out that maybe Official Scripts is not solution for the problem you mentioned in first post.
  7. Hmm... yeah see. Then maybe making some scripts those have support will be good thing. But its not "OSBot Official" scripts, but something like "Actively supported by OSBot Team". It will not solve problem of scripters leaving but will make users ability to choice from tracked and supported by OSBot Team scripts and those aren't. You will also need a way to get bug reports on scripts. Can make "Report script bug" feature built-in in bot that will send screenshot + logs + some info (position, inventory, skills, quests, equipment etc) + user-supplied description to server and put into script's bug reports list. Then OSBot Team developer / scripter can check for bug reports and respond on them. Can indicate bug report responding speed. Any feedback-based system can be flawed, but as i see OSBot Forum feedback system is working somehow, and same will be with script feedback system. "Vote broken for all Khaleesi's scripts for a free auth" should be prohibited and lead in script developer who making such advertisement punished. Cant hide such actions usually. As for broken hook - yeah will be such problem but it can be fixed by clearing negative feedbacks made during bot broken time. I dont tell you it will be fast to make feedback system working as intended but it can truly solve problem of users not understanding current status of script (they will know if they buy a cat in the poke or not) and reaction time will be fast when script become broken - tons of users will report negative to motivate script developer fix it. When he fixes - they can change their negative feedback to positive, some feedbacks will remain negative but LAST feedbacks will become positive. Also user count actively using script will grow up.
  8. I think scripts developed by OSBot team can also become outdated or flagged, so main question is if you can make them really flawless and low ban? Otherwise it will come to situation where users dont trust OSBot Official scripts that will be worse than now maybe (if even official scripts are not perfect then what can ask other scripters for?) Instead of developing scripts yourself, you can think of making system where users leaving feedback about script flawless and bannability (those who buy script, can vote once in a week for example while script is in subscription). Can keep feedback public and visible in store. Depending on last number of votes (for example, last 20 votes) can make script working status (Flawless/Bugged/NotWorking), script ban status (LowBan/AverageBan/HardBan) and script popularity status (ActivelyUsed/ModeratelyUsed/RarelyUsed, depending on hours of time users spent in script last day/week) indicators. Can add filters so users can apply filter to show only Flawless scripts or LowBan scripts and not need to visit forum, scroll thread to bottom and check what users write about this script.
  9. There's getSizeX() / getSizeY() methods but they're deprecated and not working (return 1 for every npc). Is there a way to get real npc size? Usually they're square size (1x1, 2x2, 3x3).
  10. If you're interested - hit splat times now in XPlayer.getSplatSecondaryType(). I successfully implemented hit splats tracking using it + XPlayer.getSplatDamage(). Was using HitSplat functionality before (not HitSplatListener tho) but needed to comment when you removed support. Now using again.
  11. Ok thanks. Seems hooks are mismatched and time is in getSplatSecondaryType(). But still can use.
  12. Its not same thing as hit splats. I want be able get not amounts of damage taken by myself but amount of damage dealt to other players/npcs. getHealth() returns percent for other entities, and also it cant retrieve hits (if two hits received in one tick - it will sum them)
  13. Is there any way to retrieve hit splats (damage digits shown at your head)? I remember there were Player.getHitSplats() but it was removed long time ago. Thanks, darkxor.
  14. Hmm... yeah can try this way. Executing all input in bot thread should be better than executing in different threads. Is enumerating objects / reading game states thread-safe? I'm worried mostly about possibility of interrupting input calls and thread safety of querying objects / game data.
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