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Everything posted by newDev

  1. I get that, but someone must have broken reCAPTCHA v2 Invisible? As far as I've understood, the tokens are generated client-side, can be used once and are valid for 2 minutes. How are the tokens actually generated? How about intercepting the token before its sent for server-side validation?
  2. Your extension requires an anti_captcha key. I have completed all networking related aspects of my script, and I'm able to generate emails and passwords. I require value for the "g-recaptcha-response"-key. Are there no free solutions to captcha-solving?
  3. Hi, I'm new to OSBot scripting, not new to scripting in general. I'm making an account creator for mass-creating bots and getting them of Tutorial Island. Getting a new account of Tutorial Island is easy enough with the OSBot API, however I cannot find a good way of beating reCAPTCHA for creating new accounts. The solutions I've found utilizes com.anti_captcha, and I'm after a free alternative. Are there any gold standards / recommended solutions? Best regards, newDev
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