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  1. Is there any way to do this other than just sleeping? I tried pause() no avail.. Would be sick, I need to wait for tut island to be done by hand. EDIT: ITS FIXED DW I GOT IT READ THE API
  2. Ah, but what about overriding the quest tab being clicked and hovered through?
  3. update I've found that I don't have the time that I wanted to do this amidst my job... I'll be abandoning the project for now.
  4. That's what I'm going for now - settling for injection for now.
  5. We'll start small right now I'm just setting up all of the things I'll need and the methods I'll need to use in order to sustain an actual bot farm. This is all to aid my bills. Will make this thread more detailed once I get to a good point.. Current Short Term Goal Account Replacing Capability Automatic Account Creation that Stores into DB Account Rotation based on time and when it was last played DB for Storing Accounts and their information Automatic DB Updating within Script Obtain a viable way bot accounts with the current state of F2P. Become a pro at tutorial island Long Term Goal 30M a day Bot farm running Private script written by me
  6. Wasn't sure where to post this but I suggest making the mirror client select-able through the CLI.
  7. So when a script is first ran, OSBot API will automatically usually either move the camera or click the quests tab - how do I disable this functionality and replace it? Where should I be looking at in the API? Thanks!
  8. AFKing as in just standing around?? That won't get me banned?
  9. What if I were to make my tutorial island script better
  10. So, on F2P you need 20 hours logged gametime, 100 total level and 10 quest points to be able to trade. I can't get any of my suicide bots to last that long - the rest of the reqs are easy but what are some things I can do to prevent these bans from coming so soon? Also I'm using mostly private scripts with the exception of one quest.
  11. Thanks @Gunman - it was because I wasn't exporting the test compile output
  12. It wasn't but even still the problem persists I thought it did too, confusing right! Still having this issue - here are my settings https://u.teknik.io/4NZWN.mp4 EDIT Just saw that I don't have the right JDK version - changed it and still I'm having the problem
  13. import org.osbot.rs07.script.Script; import org.osbot.rs07.script.ScriptManifest; import org.osbot.rs07.api.ui.Message; import java.awt.*; @ScriptManifest(author = "TEst", name = "Test", info = "Test", version = 0.1, logo = "") public final class Test extends Script { @Override public final int onLoop() throws InterruptedException { return 0; } @Override public final void onStart() { log("Started"); } @Override public final void onExit() { log("Exiting"); } @Override public final void onMessage(final Message message) { log("Message Hook : A message arrived in the chatbox: " + message.getMessage()); } @Override public void onPaint(final Graphics2D g) { g.drawString("Paint", 10, 10); } } I compile it, goes into the OSBot/Scripts folder and I refresh my scripts and viola still none. HELP PLZ
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