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  1. i have all the files besides the one to actually click on to run the program, i dont know what im doing wrong though?
  2. also says now when i go to download it application not found.
  3. so i got a new computer with windows 10 on it. iv been trying to down load this bot again but i cant seem to do so. i try to extract files but nothing happens never get anything to allow me to run the program. is anyone familiar with doing it with windows 10? i could really use some help idk what im doing wrong but its just a bunch of files nothing to actually run the game
  4. has anyone noticed there bots being banned a lot faster? is something going on are they cracking down hard core? 2 so far have been banned within 12 hours, the script is running perfectly fine tho.
  5. only problem iv noticed about this is if you run out of a certain iteam it will sit and click and click and click none stop trying to bank, should make it so if you run out of something it logs you out. no telling how long iv been sitting at the bank doing this.
  6. so i ended up just buying it, how do you set it up to get food and tele back to bank?
  7. can i try this out before i buy it?
  8. everything is up to date, after your update i havent had a single problem. ran it for 10 hours straight with it running flawless like it did for me at first. also i have no clue or even what it is t0 limiting the memory of a bot. maybe people just didnt care enough to post anything and found a different one. not sure what to tell ya. the bot did not click the wheel at all just stood there a like 1-2 blocks away from the spinner
  9. went away came back, my guy is standing at the flax with full inv of flax doing nothing just standing guesing its been there for a while. stopped it re started it and the same thing happened. this bot needs a lot of fixing. ill attach the logger for this one as well. osbot failure3.txt this may have been the reason for it just standing around, didnt see this before i posted. if my account isnt banned by now ill test it and give results in the morning.
  10. happened once again in about the same time period.
  11. osbot failure2.txt little under and hour, stuck same spot past the doorway into the bank attempting to bank from the outside
  12. yes getting stuck right out side of the bank. it seems to get stuck once it passes the doorway of the bank and attempts to use the banker from the outside. hopefully that helps. also the bot ran for around 3 hours last night before shutting down, but i think it shut down due to an update. running it some more now to get more feedback.
  13. its right past the bank, rapidly clicking like it want to bank stuff. it seems it over shoots the bank and tries to correct and get stuck. also if possible to help with the bot not being detected, stat checking could help. since its purely just flax string to bank that could help accounts to stay around longer. thats just a little feed back on my part i feel that could be useful
  14. osbot failure.txt there is the logger got stuck on the bank once again, ran about hour and half while i watch it. i think i was only stuck maxium of 10 minutes. please fix this stuff.
  15. in my opinion its not really worth it untill it gets fixed, account banned with in 12 hours, mostly of it sitting still clicking the bank, ran it again this morning came back 5 hours later was logged out and banned. not sure if i was logged out because of ban or not but the account wasnt even a day old. what i think would make the bot worth it and get less bans are better walking, not getting stuck. some anti ban stuff like checking stats. update me when these problems are fix, i cant keep losing account and money from bonds, didnt even make money on the latest account due to char stuck and clicking randomly in bank and char stuck at flax now spinning.
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