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Everything posted by PurpleFox

  1. 1. Mirror Mode 2. https://pastebin.com/qHAbPkSA https://pastebin.com/cQRyckyc 3. Didn't see how these happened but when I logged back in the bots stood next to an unraked herb patch. Also happened on the Hosidius and Ardougne patch before. Might be the same problem that @skillerkidos1 has? I don't know if you've pushed a fix for it yet but this bug still occurs from time to time: Minor bug: The setting for time between farm and birdhouse runs doesn't get saved in the setup panel. Suggestion: An option to buy plant cure from the farmers next to the patches when the script encounters a diseased herb patch. At the moment the patch just gets ignored until it dies. Would be useful if higher cost seeds like Snaps or Ranarrs are used.
  2. 1. Mirror Mode 2. https://pastebin.com/YRHcwB2k 3. When planting seeds the script sometimes tries to select the seed again while it's in the planting animation. If this happens with the last seed of the inventory the script stops because it tries to resupply.
  3. I was using fixed mode but didn't set it to the default zoom, my bad.
  4. 1: Mirror Mode 2: https://pastebin.com/DUXdgNVa 3: Sometimes when walking from the leprechaun to the herb patch at Port Phasmatys the camera rotates in such a way that the point the script tries to interact with is just outside the screen. It then stands right next to the patch trying to compost it until timing out. Moving the pitch of the camera a couple degrees fixes it. Another problem I've encountered is the feral vampyre at the same patch. Rarely it gets too close to the leprechaun and aggroes unto the bot while the script is in the interface forcing it to close and reopen until the bot dies. The vampyre then tends to stay next to the leprechaun killing the bot again when it comes back.
  5. Thanks that fixed it. The break timer is displayed after logging out but when it reaches zero it keeps counting down and won't log back in. The screen also doesn't have the redish color it just looks like this: https://gyazo.com/7b650e34a2d500d250c03183f72222a7
  6. I've encountered two bugs so far: 1.1: Mirror Mode 1.2: https://pastebin.com/b2bgW3Xz 1.3: After withdrawing the unnoted ultracompost from the Leprechaun the script won't close the exchange interface and gets stuck in a loop until I manually close it. After closing it, it continues normally. 2.1: Mirror Mode 2.2: https://pastebin.com/FiXE2gNJ 2.3: Sometimes after finishing a birdhouse/farming run the break/login manager won't execute after logging out. To fix it I have to restart the client.
  7. Could I get an auth as well please?
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