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Everything posted by deylinia

  1. What would make you want to pay more for an account Maybe doing a few annoying grinds could help, get fighter torso / void maybe idk... do monkey madness 2?
  2. Hell yeah, excited to see the continued updates.
  3. That long? the script is open source someone could make a fork/pull request. Do you know if the character name screen is the only major spot it gets stuck? I wouldn’t mind giving this a go. Edit: From above in the thread looks like someone may have beat me to it? Will have to test https://github.com/FantaO-o/Tutorial-Island/releases/tag/6.2
  4. You had me in the first half but I think ive lurked enough to know the woodcutting bit is a meme
  5. Hey guys, brand new to these forums I’ve used other bots in the past and dabbled into making my own but i was young then Nowadays I work as a programmer so I’m looking to give scripting a better go and see what I can do. Figured I would stop here and say hello to you all.
  6. I just started learning to make bots and am trying to learn more about running them as well. I am a programmer by trade so I could be helpful with the java end of things! pm me I’d love to talk through some scripting and learn together :)
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