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  1. mousbros


    I'm mad of the inconsistency of the bans. Ban everything or nothing.
  2. mousbros


    wut, I got banned. I did turt island by hand, then botted the 7qp by using mirror mode, after that I traded 200k from one of my accounts. Bought some pickaxe on Grand Exchange and stopped. That just banned me. And the account that I trade the 200k from and that one botted everything including turt island and didnt use mirror mode once is still going strong? wtf JamFlex????
  3. this is not really good but it works and its noob friendly what youre doin here is youre checking if youre in the specific area so where you gonna be when your dead and then youre gonna walk back to the goblins so (the areas is not good you should do it yourself thats one x and y coardinate tile from bottom left to top right when your looking north) final Area LUMBRIDGE_AREA = new Area (2982,3233,2990,3242); final Area GOBLIN_AREA = new Area (x,y,x,y); if (LUMBRIDGE_AREA .contains(myPosition()){ getWalking().webWalk(GOBLIN_AREA); }
  4. I found it!! love for they guys who are helping me in my journey, love for the people in this community. I know im making really stupid mistakes and it is ''spoonfeeding'' but ill start my IT classes soon and hopefully I can pay back to the commmunity what I gained. love
  5. Hello as you can see I improve alot and fast, the question is why doesnt the script note the clay before it trades. the script opens the bank withdraws the items and after that it trade the player so it does everything I want except the note part. thanks in advance guys x if (Banks.DRAYNOR.contains(myPosition()) && !getBank().open()) { new ConditionalSleep(3000, 500) { @Override public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return getBank().isOpen() && getBank().enableMode(BankMode.WITHDRAW_NOTE); //we will stop sleeping when bank is open. } }.sleep(); }else { log("Depositing Ore and walking back to mine"); getBank().withdrawAll("Clay"); if (getPlayers().closest("name") !=null);{ if (getPlayers().closest("name").interact("Trade with")) { new ConditionalSleep(10000, 5000) { @Override public boolean condition() throws InterruptedException { return getTrade().isFirstInterfaceOpen(); //we will stop sleeping when first interface is open. } }.sleep(); } }
  6. yea your right, dumb of me. it just goes to 0 when the loop starts again. is there any trick that I can make it remember it how many times it did the loop
  7. @Gunman case "MINING": final Area MINING_AREA1 = new Area (2982,3233,2990,3242); int ItemsMade = 0; if (!getInventory().isFull()) { if(MINING_AREA1.contains(myPosition()) && (getInventory().contains("Bronze pickaxe"))){ RS2Object ore = getObjects().closest(11362,11363); if (ore != null) { log ("Found ore"); if (!myPlayer().isAnimating()) { if (!myPlayer().isMoving()) { ore.interact("Mine"); antiban(); ItemsMade += 1; log("Made an item"); if (ItemsMade == 5) { log("Walking to Draynor"); getWalking().webWalk(Banks.DRAYNOR); } } } } } } I did something like this, knows when the item is made cuz I see the log. but it doesnt go to the draynor after 5 ''items are made''
  8. I wanna do something like if 100 tin ores mined then go to state trading but how should the script know how many tin ores it mined. maybe getInventory().containts(Tin ore) +1? I really appereciate your help
  9. it seems it doesnt know the depositbox is open, it just closes the bank again and tries to bank againd without depositing. thanks guys in advance case "BANKING": final Area BANKING_AREA = new Area (3044,3233,3050,3236); if(BANKING_AREA.contains(myPosition())){ Entity depobox = objects.closest("Bank deposit box"); if (depobox != null) { sleep(random(757,2345)); if (depobox.interact("Deposit")) { if (depositBox.isOpen()) { log("Try opening bank"); depositBox.depositAllExcept("Bronze pickaxe"); } } } } break;
  10. my man as you can see im using widgets and it doesnt interact with them, did I place them correct in the script?
  11. case "TALK1": RS2Widget IAM = getWidgets().get(219, 1, 1); sleep(random(1435,2130)); NPC Gielinor = npcs.closest("Gielinor Guide"); if (Gielinor != null) { Gielinor.interact("Talk-to");{ sleep(random(1435,2130)); if(getDialogues().completeDialogueU()) { sleep(random(200, 700)); } } if(IAM != null) { IAM.interact("I've played in the past, but not recently."); } } break; bro i did that plenty of times, it continues untill it hits the options where i have to choose if the player is new or not
  12. it continue's untill it hits the options and then it just stops thank you in advance ❤ ``` case "TALK1": String[] options = new String []{ "Click to continue","I am brand new! This is my first time here.", "I've played in the past, but not recently.", "I am an experienced player." }; sleep(random(1435,2130)); NPC Gielinor = npcs.closest("Gielinor Guide"); if (Gielinor != null) { Gielinor.interact("Talk-to");{ sleep(random(1435,2130)); if(getDialogues().completeDialogueU(options)) { sleep(random(200, 700)); } } } break; ```
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