SO... i decided i want to make bots for osrs because it looked fun, so far it has been exactly that, that and gold. I'm a greedy beach.
I made a separate botting account because i'm not going to risk my 10 year old account. And i wanted to lvl up my cooking, so i did the first thing that popped into my mind - cook fish. I made a script so that i fished (actually it was shrimps because you don't need bait or anything with shrimp) until my inventory was full, then i ran to the closest trees, chopped it down, made a fire and cooked it all. Dropped it all and ran back to cast my net once more. I wanted to add a banking part to the script but then the account got banned, because this technically wasn't my first script. Before this one i made one that killed goblins and then cows to get food to kill more goblins, but that one is a complete mess (that worked) and i don't want another living soul to see that.
It worked but i know there can be optimizations and i just wanted to know what you kind people might suggest. (i most likely will skill cooking with a different method but still)