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  1. Im on linux mint, and today i logged into osbot to start my bot, but it wasn't doing what it was supposed to. So i started debugging (it was weird because the bot worked perfectly just yesterday). I turned on entity hover debug thing and it just didn't work, mouse position is also showing a weird coordinate (the x is fine but the y coordinate differs between -8 to 8 rapidly when i just move the mouse around). I ticked the inventory box and that isn't working either. I'm going to try to run this on windows but is anyone having the same problem. Is this associated with the new OSRS update or something. EDIT: It does not work on windows ether. EDIT2: it works, i guess it wasn't the end of the world, sorry for filling up space in the forum. Im new to botting so. Im guessing it happened just because of the update
  2. @HunterRS, @Gunman Thanks for the tips!! The conditional sleep will sure make it more efficient, i was actually wondering if something like that exists. I thought that webwalking was less reliable, but ill look more into it. I had used it in my very first script and sometimes it did weird stuff. Ill write some of this down actually thanks!!!
  3. Oh and the script requires the bot to have a tinderbox, net and an axe in its inventory.
  4. SO... i decided i want to make bots for osrs because it looked fun, so far it has been exactly that, that and gold. I'm a greedy beach. I made a separate botting account because i'm not going to risk my 10 year old account. And i wanted to lvl up my cooking, so i did the first thing that popped into my mind - cook fish. I made a script so that i fished (actually it was shrimps because you don't need bait or anything with shrimp) until my inventory was full, then i ran to the closest trees, chopped it down, made a fire and cooked it all. Dropped it all and ran back to cast my net once more. I wanted to add a banking part to the script but then the account got banned, because this technically wasn't my first script. Before this one i made one that killed goblins and then cows to get food to kill more goblins, but that one is a complete mess (that worked) and i don't want another living soul to see that. It worked but i know there can be optimizations and i just wanted to know what you kind people might suggest. (i most likely will skill cooking with a different method but still)
  5. I have already done a little coding before but generally i'm new to scripting. (mostly Arduino stuff and a little database stuff) I have made 2 scripts already, one of them i managed to make a complete mess out of already because i wanted to remake it a little for a different task. oops... Ill post my first script in the scripting/help part of this forum or something ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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