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Posts posted by CrashBandiboob

  1. Script has been working fine for me for ages, but trying to start it up today it goes to the world switcher page and just hangs. The status stays as "Loading...."

    The error in the console is:
    [ERROR][Bot #1][04/27 04:59:56 PM]: Failed to load the worlds, container widget not found

    Any ideas @FuryShark?

  2. Simple bot, tells everyone to stay home to help stop the spread of the CoronaVirus.
    Go to a popular area and run the script to save lives.

    Just types in chat the following two messages:
    red:wave:Stay safe, stay home, save lives.
    cyan:wave2:Help stop the spread of Coronavirus.




    • Like 1
  3. Well this is significantly quicker, like 3 seconds for a full inv instead of 40


     public void dropAll() {
        	mouse.click(577,225, false);
        	mouse.click(612,229, false);
        	mouse.click(654,230, false);
        	mouse.click(701,230, false);
        	mouse.click(700,262, false);
        	mouse.click(655,267, false);
        	mouse.click(614,265, false);
        	mouse.click(568,265, false);
        	mouse.click(577,300, false);
        	mouse.click(624,297, false);
        	mouse.click(662,295, false);
        	mouse.click(700,298, false);
        	mouse.click(704,337, false);
        	mouse.click(668,338, false);
        	mouse.click(624,335, false);
        	mouse.click(574,343, false);
        	mouse.click(576,377, false);
        	mouse.click(619,370, false);
        	mouse.click(664,376, false);
        	mouse.click(713,365, false);
        	mouse.click(705,405, false);
        	mouse.click(657,407, false);
        	mouse.click(627,408, false);
        	mouse.click(659,410, false);
        	mouse.click(581,437, false);   	
        	mouse.click(618,449, false);
        	mouse.click(661,448, false);
        	mouse.click(709,443, false);


  4. BodyCraft v0.5
    By Crash Bandiboob


    Simple script that crafts body runes from Edgeville bank.

    How to use:

    • Start in Edgville bank
    • You MUST be wearing a body tiara
    • If crafting runes: have Pure Essence in bank (does not work with rune essence)
    • If crafting tiaras: have body talismans and tiaras in bank

    What it does:
    Withdraws materials from your bank in Edgeville, runs to the ruins by barbarian village, crafts runes/tiaras, banks them and repeats!

    DOWNLOAD: https://www.mediafire.com/file/uxf7ezuano0lkfk/BodyCraft.jar/file


    Show me your progress reports below!! :D
    If anything is broken or you want some extra features let me know below!


    Progress reports:




    - Bug fixes
    - Script now stops when out of materials
    - Final progress report tells you how many runes were crafted (need to fix for tiaras)
    - Added GUI
    - Can now also craft tiaras

  5. Changing source and using the official osrs database.
    Came across this snippet of code but can't wrap my head around it:


    	private Optional<Integer> getPrice(int id){
    	    Optional<Integer> price = Optional.empty();
    	    try {
    	        URL url = new URL("http://services.runescape.com/m=itemdb_oldschool/api/catalogue/detail.json?item=" + id);
    	        url.openConnection().setRequestProperty("User-Agent", "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 6.1) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/41.0.2228.0 Safari/537.36");
    	        BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(url.openConnection().getInputStream()));
    	        String[] data = br.readLine().replace("{", "").replace("}", "").split(",");
    	        price = Optional.of(Integer.parseInt(data[0].split(":")[1]));
    	    } catch(Exception e){
    	    return price;


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